wierd spots on my false percula


Reefing newb
i was doing my weekly water cahnge and noticed the wierd spots on my false percula

parameters are good
temp is good
and they werent there last night

thay are only on his orange and appear to be black, but could be dark green or dark purple, but i never saw anything like this

any thoughts???


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I can't tell from the pics, though maybe someone with more experience can. It may be black ich, otherwise known as black spot disease. Hopefully someone can provide a more definite answer.
Looks like clownfish hyper melanization,scar marks from being stung by corals.Usually they will be fine,I have clarkii with similar marks.
the only corals i have are
green star polyp

a rock with some small mushrooms

and a rock with zoas on it

could any of them sting????
They could sting, but not badly enough to discolor a fish. Plus I don't think what Reeffreak described would show up all of a sudden, usually the clown darkens over time.

There are parasites similar to ich that manifest themselves as black spots instead of white. I would guess it's one of those. I would quarantine the fish and treat with copper if it was my tank.
GSP and some mushrooms can sting.

If this is something that showed up all of a sudden then maybe it's something like Biff and Light mentioned.The size of the dark spots still looks like scar marks to me though either from being stung or it could be from a disease/parasite.
ok so i have decided to take him out

here is the big question........

how do i catch him:frustrat:

i have been trying to net him but to no avail
9 time out of ten,You'll have to remove the rock to net em.Or you could just break out the ole fishin pole and go fishing.
If you use a small BARBLESS hook,it can be done without hurting the clown.
went out and bought a fish trap
figured this wont be the last time i have to do this

if i have to use a fishing pole, he may just end up as bait next time i go large mouth fishing in some of these awesome PA ponds
if he is still eating then you will have a good chance he will recover. It is when they stop eating that death is assured.

As for catching them. Late at night, after the lights have been out for a few hours is the best for net capture. They are slow and lethargic at night. I caught my two clowns in about 30 seconds at night.

nemo is dead
tank went "poof"
cant even see thru the water
i am at a loss
parameters are good
dont know what to do
so far have lost
1 false percula
2 firefish
frustration setting in
Damn, sorry for your loss. Did you remove the body? Did the firefish just die all of a sudden too or was that earlier?

The cloudy water is probably from the fish dying. In a new tank where the bacterial community isn't well established, something dying can spike your parameters and cause a bacterial bloom, which makes the water look cloudy. I'm guessing that the spots were in fact some sort of disease/parasite.

What to do in the meantime is first test your water. I suspect that either ammonia or nitrite will be present. Then you'll want to do some hefty water changes, like 10 to 20% every day or every other day until your water clears up and your parameters return to zero. Then you will want to leave the tank empty for a few weeks before adding any new fish. After that, stock very very slowly to allow your bacterial bioload to catch up to the fish in your tank.

Do you still have some fish living in it now? If so, then the water changes are even more important.

Don't get frustrated, stuff like this happens to us all. Setbacks are unfortunately a common part of this hobby, but you will get through it.
Sorry to hear things didn't go so well. It isn't easy to put nature in a box ... kinda what we try to do with a reef tank. It can be frustrating, but, with patience, very enjoyable in the long run.
Would do a water change. Keep a eye on peremeters. I would keep doing water changes until paremeters are good. I know how frustrating it can be. Been there. Any other livestock in the tank?