Yotes 125

Very odd. And to think this could happen to any one of us. Scary. I say that as I look at the little rash on my finger I got after working on my tank all weekend. Oh shit!
I got bit by a spider on my leg a few weeks ago. NDB thought it might be a brown recluse. I freaked the hell out after I started reading up on those spiders. The bite healed after about a week, but it left a scar. I can't imagine how terrified his family must've been, not knowing what was going on, and seeing the doctors get frustrated and throwing every medication they can think of at the problem in hopes that one of them will work!
i think it would be great if we had a good doc in forums that could get us a good link to website about help in this situation for emergency reasons cause there are many of us in middle of country who don't have doctors experienced in dealing with this. In that thread i did find one website for divers and it had emergency numbers for reef related injuries
It's all good D.
At least all that is REEF related:D and it'd be cool to pass Biffys build thread in number of posts:D
I must really have it bad.Went into the LFS today,just to hang out for an hour or so and maybe pick up a cheap shroom or 2.
Well,9 hours after I walked in the door,I walk back out(at closing) with a nice Chalice.
I'll post pics as soon as the camara battery charges.
Heres a crappy pic I took with my phone.

Its actually a dark purple with lime green corallites and about 2" X 11/2".
Best of all,just cost me a few ours at my favorite hang out:D
do you work at LFS now? 9 hours? hope they gave you a lunch break lol

I dont actually work there,but I do help em out.I enjoy being able to help folks with their tanks and stuff,kind of an extension of the hobby for me.Plus I get my pick of any livestock in the store for helping:mrgreen: