Yotes 75

I just added one of them to my tank. I can't get him to eat sheet algae. He's going through my furg algea quickly. I've been trying to mix some of the sheets in it but he's to smart for that.

You might have to try different brands Piggy.
I've found that a lot of fish are just like people when it comes to food.Some will one brand of ,,,,,say seaweed sheets and not touch other brands.
I would like to know what a pink one would cost with shipping. They look really cool. How fast do they grow? How hardy are they?

I got lots of green as well. I have lots of flesh tone as well. I need more red, pink, and other colors. I don't know about purple tho. Coralline seems to add so much purple, I can't imagine needing more purple

As soon as I can get iinto the store,I'll get y'all some prices.
It may be this sometime this weekend though.
Thought I would put up some up-dated pics.
Finally got rid of the hair and cyano.Gotta love Marine SAT and Chemi-pure Elite.
Heres my shrooms:


Foxy the FoxFace:


Foxy has gotten to be the the most personable fish in the tank.Its to the point that its hard to work in it.He likes to come up and nibble the hairs on my arms.
I gotta get another FTS.I'll try to do that after I get done with the water change.I'm dropping back to 10 gallons a week instead of the usuall 15.

Doc and Reef:
I can get y'all some stylo. for 50 bucks plus shipping.
Thats with my 20% discount.
Great pics yote! That tank is looking great, and look at all the coraline coverage on the rock. Looks great.
Tank looks great Yote,the rocks looks very clean.

I'll PM you when I'm ready Yote.Right now funds are a little low from all the Christmas shopping.
tank looks great yote. I love the clear pics too. seems like you have been practicing ; )

I have a pink stylo on order at my lfs. let me see if they get it in and if not I will PM you.

I cant take credit for taking those pics.My 17 year old took em.
It'd help if I would quit spending money on the tank and buy a better camera.

Got myself a Rose Brain today.I'll try to get some pics of it tomorrow after I get home from work.