you have to love science

That lake and the fish within it are very closely studied, because scientists have been able to track their evolution into multiple species and document it so well. It is well known that in order for evolution to occur, something has to force the animals into changing. Unfortunately, as this article points out, those forces are now man-made pollution and environmental degradation. Many species won't be able to cope with these human-caused pressures and will simply go extinct (i.e. penguins and polar bears, whose habitats are disappearing faster than any other place on earth).
Every thing eventually goes extinct.Weathers its by natural selection or some other cause.Something has to go so something else can adapt and grow.Thats just the way it works.
Why point the finger at one when we all have a hand in it?

To me, that's akin to saying, "Everyone dies. So why does it matter if a thug down the street stabs a 25-year old to death, that person was going to die anyways, be it from a stabbing at 25 or from old age when they turn 95." One is natural, one is not. Why shouldn't we do all we can to prevent the unnatural extinctions that are human caused? I believe it is our moral obligation to prevent such unnatural and human caused extinctions. Yes, everything will go extinct eventually, but that doesn't mean that it's okay if it's by the hand of man.
Hence the "Why point the finger at one when we all have a hand it".Never said it was right,just said thats how it is.
Its going to take every country,state,city,town,family,and person on this planet to turn things around.
Every thing eventually goes extinct.Weathers its by natural selection or some other cause.Something has to go so something else can adapt and grow.Thats just the way it works.
Why point the finger at one when we all have a hand in it?

This fails to take into account that the rate of extinction has greatly increased in modern times due to activity of humans.
Thats why I said "When we've all had a hand in it."
The human animal is the worst thing to ever live on this planet.
speaking of evolution and humans does anyone else think that with the high rate of children being born with autism that that could be our next evolutionary step as a species
speaking of evolution and humans does anyone else think that with the high rate of children being born with autism that that could be our next evolutionary step as a species

Ever thought about just how it takes to grow a chicken from hatchling to fryer?
9 weeks to go from a newly hatched chick to a 15lbs frying chicken.
Ever wander why?Its because they are food thats loaded with steroids.Same with beef and pork.
All those steroids and antibotics stay in the meat,then are eaten by the consumer.And over time,Its going to have an effect on the body and its working parts.
JMO,But I dont think evolutions got anything to do with autsim.I think its more because of human stupidity.
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I think that all the medications and stuff we use to make our food grow quicker,is killing us.To simplify it.
The evolution-autism argument doesn't work, because evolution occurs to improve a species' survivability. Meaning, species evolve to be better adapted to their changing environments. People developing autism doesn't increase their survival rates, (actually, if you are speaking in purely evolutionary terms, you only care about living long enough to reproduce and pass on your genes). Having autism decreases your chance of passing on your genes to the next generation, so it's not a change that can be explained by a species evolving.

So far, the "cause" of autism has not been found. But Yote is right on that pretty much everyone is certain that it has environmental roots, be it from chemicals/additives/hormones in the food we eat, or the air we breathe, or that sinks in through our skin. Just what exactly is not understood yet.