Zybers project

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#3 or # 4 or # 5



very impressive, looks great!

Thanks Moe
Yeah I'm going to try and get some shots with the other camera tonight and check the settings on that one ugh I wish I still had my NIKON D800 :( damn thing got booted at a party I went to had it only 48hours and bam MIA and of course no one saw it >:(:grumble:
Wow!!! I'm so jealous right now. Amazing pictures.

Thanks but why be jealous my tanks not that great its still in the works not any where near some of the show case tanks on here namely Hannah, Dana, Smitty, Erin, and Dennis when his dank is up and running. Those folks IMO are worthy of some jealousy. My tank is a mere popper to there majestic glory.

But on the other side thank you for such a great complement Matt :Cheers:
MP10 is payed for now waiting on shipping conformation :D
Hopefully it works out the way I'm hoping the one Hydor Koralia Evolution 750 I'm going to put lower in the back of the tank. all the other stuff is going to the wife's tank. She can get my "hand me downs" till she can save for her own stuff. I hate working on flow paths but something I have to do. I'm going to have to move some things around also. Uhg.... Another thing I dislike to do hahaha... Any ways catch you all later its time to daydream :D hahaha
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Ok here's hopping the day yields me a mp10.... I'm hating on the USPS mostly in DC where the hold up was... Ugh... Now to drag my sick feverish ass in to work :(
well hopefully you'll get it today so we can see a video post

ok I'll do a vid post but it may be silent i have a cold + allergy's and sound horrible:sniffles::zombie: I think it may just be the T virus but I'm hoping for the G virus then I can turn in to something more than a walker lmao...... :Cheers:
haha hope yea feel better soon. did you see the post i put in the coral section about wishing i had money. some1 is selling frags of designer zoa for i think pretty cheap.
Awes spring colds are the worst! So hard to shake :c

Those boogers didnt sent you your mp10 yet? I hate shipping companies here, next day = 3-4 days later. -.- Gotta love the maritimes.
Awes spring colds are the worst! So hard to shake :c

Those boogers didnt sent you your mp10 yet? I hate shipping companies here, next day = 3-4 days later. -.- Gotta love the maritimes.

yeah fingers crossed.....:grumble: it gets here today the post office sucks ups suck fedex sucks they all suck though I have had good luck with things sent through DHL