Zybers project

Man that would be awesome. That would mean a lot more room for coral and fish.
Yes that it would but I just want more room for what I have right now and the last few things I want to get. I need to have more room than what I do now for some growth of things. Plus I want to rebuld my shelf and bind it all down in some form. I may use some pvc and drill holes and just make columns I can stack my shelf's on. At lest that's the plan and what I'm hoping to do. I just wish I had some help to get this all done.:Cheers:

New Two Part Video
Video #6 A (Time: 2136)
ZyberGoby's reef #6 A.MOV - YouTube
Video #6 B (Time: 0634)
http://youtu.be/e4iaa127csMhttp://youtu.be/nItrZV5BULoZyberGoby's reef #6 B.MOV - YouTube
New Photos

Full tank

New Favia

New Cabbage Leather

Everything is still a bit pissed off. Shitty thing is I am doing a water change tomorrow hahaha that will piss them off also.
That favia is beautiful. That guy you bought your mp10 from is selling a bunch of stuff. Like a Current Nova Extreme Pro 6xT5 48", 55g drilled and 75g drilled for pretty cheap. Think I'm going to try to get permission from the wife for the lights. To bad ya don't live down here.
Neon green toad stool, magician zoa, lemon drop zoa, common toad stool, and some red lash blue skirt white eye zoathids no clue what they are but they looked cool.
Update on the new corals.

The zoa look different extremely different at that.


were lemon drops but look peach colored? no clue to what they are?

no clue what the zoa are the color is not what it was unless he gave me the wrong zoa frags

common toadstool- this frag looks like a tongue

Neon toadstool

Any help with finding out the zoa I got today would be awesome. But yeah this is what I got.
Never seen them before ;) those are kurt zoas :D

hahahaha right :D I think your on to something there Kelz:Cheers:

I just wish the home growers would find out all of what they have but then again no knowing gets me the price I get for them also hahahaha. its just the serching on my end that sucks. Do to when i start trading and selling i want to have them named so its not just a sku# ugh...