how is it looking

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Dammit! Save the Vlamingis! Crap... did I just drown a vlamingi? Wait don't answer that. Save the Vlamingis!
I still dont understand why he threw the race cardin there. If nitrates are cool consider him Miles Davis. Considering his tank is all easy soft corals that require less than perfect water quality and they are doing well, it will be hard to change his mind. Put an SPS in there and see what happens.
I still dont understand why he threw the race cardin there. If nitrates are cool consider him Miles Davis. Considering his tank is all easy soft corals that require less than perfect water quality and they are doing well, it will be hard to change his mind. Put an SPS in there and see what happens.
1 marron clown
1 cupos tang
1 green chromus
1 cleaner shrimp
1 possible pistol shrimp
a cleaner crew constiting of nas snails turno snails and hermit crabs about 10 each
2 acro corals
1 unknown sps greenish yellow someone help me out on this one

1 toadstool
2 frogspawn
finger leathers
star polyps
kenya tree
hope i got it all
Apparently he has, and apparently in his magical reef world, they love nitrates. They actually grow faster with less light and higher nitrates. now you know the secret!
i do have a question though about my frogsspawn, its kinda thin and i think its cause i have it to deep in my tank.. i only have one t5 strip ... or do you think i shoudl be feeding it cause i hardfly feed any corals in my tank anything except i through a 1/4 of cyclopse frozen in there once a month

can anyone tell me what the forth picture down right under the ricordia mushrooms are

isn't the hole reason for a reef aquarium in the first place was to see if corals and reef fish could live in the home aquarium as to put less stress on the reef...

as for mng why is everything in my tank going to die?

where can i find a estimates life span for these fish and coral... like how long does a regualr clownfish live or a cleaner shrimp.... in all the books i have bought they never say...

do you believe this fishes fate would have had a better chance where it was?

but out of curiosty how many of you have added a fish that you replaced because of this problem in tank size?

and why would i want Coraline to grow in my tank, you have to scrape it off constantly and it coats everything

how much of a percentage of fish are lost from these people which is everyone to the hobby at one point

are you saying a maroon clown and a tang can not be in the same tank?

"Reef tank
A tropical marine aquarium which contains a mixture of fish and invertebrates, such as corals. Most reef tanks are now based on natural filtration methods, such as the Jaubert Plenum or Berlin System." his was taken from practical fish keeping

No where does it state that reef aquarium needs a certain type of coral to be considered a reef. And I don't believe nor have a said that sps corals love nitrates. I think though that the water conditions are great in my tank

n03 at level 0 would most certainly stress if not kill sps corals, its a fact, if you really pulled all the nutrients out of your tank like everyone tries to but most of the time never achieves you would understand...i do not believe i am lieing about this nor have a lied about anything else . I have had my tank for 2 years if not longer.. I wanted coraline to grow in this tank at one point then grew through that stage and decided against it...I keep nitrates higher because it prevents growth of certain nuisance pests to me.. and yes that is for me and my own opinion and everyone else that chooses to maybe not follow everyone elses advice all the time ...I do believe however that the only thing i have learned from everyone in this thread is that innovation and creativity is forbidden, and opening up your mind to any new possibilities is unforgivable. and im sorry to some of you that maybe have read this, I do not boast I am a magically reef keeper with 20 years experience and knowledge about everything in this hobby, I just state what I have read and experienced and have seen...
One of the most important symbiotic relationships on a coral reef is between the one between the coral polyp and microscopic algal cells, called zooxanthellae, that live inside them. Zooxanthellae are dinoflagellates, and there are several species - each species of symbiotic animal seems to have its' own species of zooxanthellae. The presence of zooxanthellae in the corals' tissue means that corals can act like a plant during the day - using the photosynthetic ability of the zooxanthellae to capture the suns' energy; and like an animal at night - feeding on suspended particles and plankton in the water that they capture with their tentacles and digest. Other animals live in symbiosis with zooxanthellae, such as giant clams (Tridacna) nudibranchs, soft corals and zoanthids (see 'Who's who'). The symbiosis is mutualistic as both species benefit from the relationship. The zooxanthellae supply much of the corals energy needs, by passing on organic carbon (glycerol, sugars and amino acids) that is produced by photosynthesis. Corals provide the zooxanthellae with a protected structure in which to live, as well as providing them with important inorganic nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates that the algae need for growth. There is then a tight recycling of nutrients in the symbiosis.
BIFF!!! pleae please close this thread out and put a stop to the baby vlamingis dying! im begging you. Plus its wasting too much of my time having to come back and look at the trainwreck unfold.

do it! pop the trunk!
isn't the hole reason for a reef aquarium in the first place was to see if corals and reef fish could live in the home aquarium as to put less stress on the reef...

Where the hell are you getting this crap from !!!! :frustrat:

you couldnt be more off base!
OMFingG where in your article link does it say to keep high nitrates to keep coraline dead and corals healthy! Coraline grows in our system because it grows on the reefs THE SAME CONDITIONS FOR HEALTHY CORALS BREED CORALINE!

IBTL I hope!
What it says is that the zooanthelei algae works symbiotically to produce nutrients via photosynthesis to feed the corals because THE REEFS ARE VERY NUTRIENT POOR! Hence LOW NITRATES HIGH LIGHT~
Dude my tank has between 2.5 and 5ppm my corals arent brown, I have tons of coraline and I surely DONT HAVE CYANO(anymore as my tank has matured past that point I hope) Your corals arent brown from high nitrates because you dont have them, they are brown because you arent providing them enough light.

lets be straight forward you tank is less than six months old, you dont research anything, and your tang and eel are doomed to a life of slow death in cramped space. Later geppetto.
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