24g biocube rebuild

ok i give up. it must be my time for everything to break i fight this tank now my cam wont let me put pics on the comp.....sorry guys
ok trying to deside on more coral right now a have kenya tree, xenia, and a shroom. i was thinking of getting a bubble coral and frog spawn....advise....suggestions....i also want a sponge......
i am thinking about going to my LFS tonight need input soon....im really thinking on the bubble but would really like opinion on the sponge and other stuff before i go
ok any opinions on bubble coral, white lightening sponge, i really need to add some color cause i dont have anything really bright in it at all.....another question i have bristle worms everywhere like a whole bunch of them is this bad, can there hurt anything in the tank, do i need traps???
Sponges are filter feeders, and non photosynthetic. They are cool and may do well in your tank. Bright colored zoas would be nice, and they will grow and expand. The bristle worms are part of your CUC, and they are fine. My clowns eat them when they find them.
Bubble corals are easy and hardy -- one would be a good choice for your tank. Sponges can be a bit more tricky. If you get a sponge, do not let it be exposed to air at all. Being exposed to air, even briefly, greatly lowers their chance of survival.
I'm trying to find small colorful reef safe fish for the nano. Here is a list of fish I am looking at give me addvice...

flame angel
coral beauty
any kind of bright colored damsel
i have two fancy clowns already....was thinking a wrasse of some kind.....or maybe a diff breed of clown is that possible?

NOTE:: i finally got a working camera been bust building my other tank tonight so i promise up to date pics sorry its been so long
unfortunately, you can only keep one type of clown per tank. They are extremely aggressive towards other kinds of clowns
superglue wont always work with mushrooms. If you get a small tupperware container, and put a small piece of live rock in it, then put the mushroom in there with it, the mushroom should attach itself to the rock on its own.