Adding a Lawnmower


Reef enthusiast
So I'm looking to add a lawnmower blenny to eat my hair algae.

It is a 34 gallon Solana with a protein skimmer and running chemi-pure and phosphate remover.

w/ 2 Bicinctus Clowns
Sixline Wrasse
Blue-Green Reef Chromis

Would that work? Will they eat frozen also?

I also have a clam and corals in there ofc

unless anyone knows of another fish that would eat hair algae and work that's fine also

my lawnmower blenny eats mysis and im aware that lawnmower get along with all fish expeted it own kind. just my two cents
Lawnmower blennies will rarely eat hair algae. They will eat the film algae on the glass, though. At least I've never heard of one that will willingly eat hair algae. They also love mysis, meaty foods and seaweed strips, so if your tank is getting fed anything else, they won't touch something nasty like hair algae.

Very few (if any) fish eat hair algae. You best bet is to go with some Mexican turbo snails. And also remove by hand as much of the hair algae as you can, as the turbos can't eat the really long tufts of it.
I have a Bicolor Pygmy Angel that loves the stuff. After I acclimated him over from the QT, that's all he ate for a few days . He did an excellent job on the rocks and bed. Actually, it was comical. My Powder Brown watched him eating this , and the he started in also. What a CUC!