

Reefing newb
I have three small (1/2") creatures (sorry, tried to take pics but they were useless), that when open has a red center, has lots of tenicles, ending with a white dot. They close up to a red blob.
Not sure what they are or even how to search for them.
reef, you read my mind, glass anemones (aptasia). Post a pic, when you can. So we can ID it for sure.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Okay, both of you mispelled it! How is he supposed to google it if you've spelled it wrong!

It's aiptasia and majano. There. :D
yeah, I type like a thousand words a minute and spelling is not as important as speed. Besides, you are so reliable in following up my mistakes and shortcomings, that I have grown accustomed to your care and concern. I cannot rob you of that value in my life. Besides, what would you do if you didn't have something to be right about? :Cheers:

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I am teaching a class this semester, actually. I have 60 students. Introduction to Environmental Science. How cool!

Besides, I just do it to annoy you guys :).