Beeguiles 29 gallon reef

So my husband and I put the frags in their new spots. They aren't all open yet but heres a pic of the sps corals and a fts.



Yea I'm gonna start doing a little more research on that. I guess I just assumed I have good enough calc. Bc I have coraline algae all over the glass and my lps skeletons are growing very well. I read somewhere that sps need to be dosed everyday? That didn't sound right.
Yea I'm gonna start doing a little more research on that. I guess I just assumed I have good enough calc. Bc I have coraline algae all over the glass and my lps skeletons are growing very well. I read somewhere that sps need to be dosed everyday? That didn't sound right.

You dose according to your readings. If your calcium level is high enough (400-500 ppm) then there's no reason to dose.
I think as long as you keep doing regular water changes, you will be fine, its not until you get into super heavy SPS tanks that you need to dose.
I just got my Christmas bonus today at work so maybe ill get a full reef test kit so I know exactally what all my levels are. I don't plan on having a heavy sps tank. I might get a couple more if these two do well.
I think as long as you keep doing regular water changes, you will be fine, its not until you get into super heavy SPS tanks that you need to dose.

Well - even moderately stocked SPS tanks might need to be dosed. It if you have SPS and aren't dosing at all (esp with a cheaper salter mix) you may be slowly depleting the CA levels - in which case, your SPS, LPS, and even some softies won't grow as fast. It never hurts to learn about the levels and even dose occasionally as needed. (maybe only on water changes to bring your change water to good levels) Corraline and some macro algaes can eat up a surprising amount of CA! Even urchins need good CA levels.

Nope, no need to dose daily, like Sir Alex said. Best bet is to test your water change water and see what the CA/ALK is and adjust that - with a limited SPS tank that would be sufficient. I did notice substantial gains in my SPS growth once I started dosing, and my old tank only had a few SPS corals.

Thanks! Looks like a good read. I bookmarked it for later. I'm at work now, blah and sick..not a good thanksgiving this year for me.
Thanks Doug! I just use my cell phone. HTC inspire. I upload my pics to Photobucket and then paste the code from Photobucket on here. There are a few codes to pick from. You have to use the IMG one.
Yup they're from my cellular device :) I wish I had a fancy camera like some ppl on here so I could get wicked close shots and get some pics with my moonlights but money doesn't grow on my trees lol and you're very welcome.