Biodarwin's 55 gallons of glory

The tank community received a few new member yesterday. Went to to the LFS to get water and came home with 5 astrea snails and a skunk cleaner shrimp. The shrimps name is Danny Tanner since he is a compulsive cleaner of the tank. Yes I know I am a dork :)


This isn't the greatest shot in the world, but it is uncommon to get everything in one shot. A representative from both snail and hermit crab populations were in attendance.

Nice adds darwin! :D Love cleaners, so much fun and personality, greedy little buggers though! I also found out to my detriment this weekend that a cut in the finger really bloody hurts when they get hold of it! :mrgreen:
Nice adds darwin! :D Love cleaners, so much fun and personality, greedy little buggers though! I also found out to my detriment this weekend that a cut in the finger really bloody hurts when they get hold of it! :mrgreen:

They are definitely cool little guys. I went ahead and bought another one at the LFS Monday night.

I should have my Compact Fluorescent 260W Fixture by the end of next week. I ended up paying $75 for it and will be plenty for what I want to do. I will take off my cover when my new lights arrive and will have to try something different for making my tank wrasse-safe. The next fish addition will be a Red Velvet Wrasse.
All week my nitrates were in the 20PPM range. Today I did another 20% change and my tests still come in at 20PPM. I have an API test kit so I don't think that is the problem. I will probably have LFS check my water this weekend. I really dont know why Im worried about it. Its definitely not in a range that would be dangerous to my fish.

On other news the 260W fixture I was gonna buy is on hold for another month before they get rid of the tank that it is on. I posted on our local reef club site and someone is selling a 48" Tek Light T-5 (4x54W) with the adaptors to sit it on the tank vs hanging and a splash guard for $190. Assuming its not sold before he gets my email, I will probably be buying it.

I saw a Wellsophyllia today at the LFS. It was green and was pretty cool looking. They said they will be getting some red ones in. So far the corals that I am interested in:Wellsophyllia
Sun Polyp
Candy Cane
Long Tenacle Plate
Blue Mushrooms
Yellow Fiji Leather

So far those are the ones that I like the most.
Those are not bad choices.But those sun corals are like a high maintence woman.You'll have to give them attention every day and feed each polyp daily.
Those are not bad choices.But those sun corals are like a high maintence woman.You'll have to give them attention every day and feed each polyp daily.

I haven't got too far into the research so I appreciate the heads up. I didn't know they were that high maintenance.

I am going to get my lights tomorrow. I am pretty pumped about it. I also found out the light fixture is only 7 months old. Guy is switching to an all SPS tank and upgrade to MH's. I think I am getting a pretty good deal. The cost of it new before shipping and bulbs would be like $375. They have some cool looking mushrooms at the LFS I might pickup Monday.
Yeah sun corals are non-photosynthetic. Meaning, they get no nutrition from your lighting. 100% of their nutrition needs to come And your pair of feeding tongs. Daily or every other day.