BL1's 75g upgrade

It's been a couple weeks since I updated so, thought I'd share what I picked up at a huge sale my LFS was having this week.
My first wrasse

Picked up this great Acan too


8 Peppermints

And one itty bitty cleaner guy
Sorry about the blue tint to the pics, my photo-editing program took a crap so I could only crop the pics. For everything I purchased today I got a free frag of some cool looking Palythoas with 8 or 10 polyps. Unfortunately, they haven't opened yet to get a pic but, I'll have to add that one tomorrow.
Beautiful leopard wrasse! My favorite fish ever.
Thanks Biff!! She's great so far, they had two females and I almost bought them both so that eventually I'd have a male and female. But, while I was deciding someone else snatched up the other female :frustrat:
I heard they dont ship well.?
I've read the same thing, the thing is ... when they get stressed they dive into the sandbed. When they're shipped, no sand in the bag. So, when they stress out in the bag they divebomb into the bottom and can damage their mouths. IF they do that, it makes it hard, if not impossible for them to eat.

With that being said, they still get shipped to the LFS fine, most of the time. The only benefit to that is that you can have the LFS hold it for you to make sure it shipped fine. LiveAquaria does have a 14 day guarantee for all of it's livestock though.
Hey, also Dana the wrasse will compete with your MD for pods in your tank. Mine is constantly going around the tank looking for them.