bta splitting again..


Reef enthusiast
Yup third time in 5 mos its split.. Looked great last night when I went to bed got up this morning and it was really small .. looked closely and saw a second foot attached just above the other one.. :D
Just sold the last split a few days ago , luckily people are always looking for nems..
no it gets bigger then starts splitting. I decided I was going to stop with the feedings as much and let the clowns support it more.. it grows to the same size it was the first time before the split then splits again..
problem is I just dont have the room for a new nem, corals are spaced just far enough so at full expansion and movement it wont hit them.. a second one in the same area will make it to the corals so I have to get rid of them as it splits..
and thanks :D
I sell them as they split I just feed the new one for a couple weeks to make sure its healthy then off it goes..
the one to the right is the new one..:D
My anemone(s) do the same thing. I started with one about 5 months ago and I have 3...soon to be 4 now. I stopped feeding them too, forcing my light and clowns to take a more active roll. They get about 6-8" then get really small and split. It's actually pretty neat, but I need to start selling or it will get out of control.