Cranky Damselfish Question


Reefing newb
We are fairly new to saltwater fish. Had 90 gallons worth of freshwater for years and finally bit the bullet and went saltwater with a 30 gal. tank.
We started with a domino damsel, three stripe damsel and a blenny.
Later, we added a black finned clown. Everyone got along fine and dandy.
Yesterday we added an ocellaris clown and a bowtie damsel/lemon chromis. While the two clown fish got along great. The domino damsel is continuously chasing the bowtie/lemon fish. The poor guy is hiding behind the power head most of the time and when it does inch out, the damsel chases back again.
How do we handle this situation? It's almost looking as if the damsel has enlisted the help of the clown duo as backup thugs. The domino occasionally will chase the zebra who spends quite a bit of time hiding in some aqua plants but for the most part it just bullies the new lemon/bowtie.
Damsels are very aggressive fish and as they grow in size they only continue to grow in aggression. If I were you I would check out the marine compatibility chart so you know what to put in your tank.
Damsels are mean and notoriously hard to catch but I would get that out of there if I were you or it will take down a fish. I saw one take down a 6 year old tang,
Marine Compatability Chart
Also in a tank that size you are putting FAR to much in. If I remember correctly it should be 1 fish to every 10 gallons. At a 30 gal you are sort of limited to welll....3 Once you take the Damsels out you should be at your limit and stay there, however thats not to say that AFTER researching what could go in your tank, you could go into inverts.
I agree with Marines_Wife. Remove the Damsel. All your other fish will be much happier. Cause once the Lemon is gone/dead the Damsel will probably just pick another target.
Well not only that but 6 fish in a 30 gal is overstock and they are not good tank mates. In a tank that small there is nowhere to run or hide. Even in a 150 gal once those damsels get big enough they arent fun or cute. They are terrors. They will without a doubt fight with every fish. They killed two of my moms percula clowns as well :(
Yeah I had a Blue Devil Damsel and he was a complete prick. I had in the tank for about 2 hours before he went back to the store. Its just not worth it. And I agree that the tank is over stocked.
Thats why clowns are dam violent as well... mine nips at me when i put my hand in.. sometimes haha. And beat up my second mandarin fish.
Way too many fish in the tank that were added way too quickly. I would suggest removing the damsel, and with that many fish I would keep an eye on the clowns as well. They're damsels as well and can get mean when over croweded
I agree with marines wife also...if remove ay least 2 of those damsels...
Also, welcome to the site...glad to have you with us.
PLEASE TAKE THEM TO THE LFS IF YOU REMOVE THEM!!! lol... too many people flush those poor lil damsels because they are mean and they are really just doin' what they do.... I swear I am 100% lucky to have only had 2 mean damsels in my history of damsels-and I have a tank filled with nothing but damsels! LOL (err okay theres a gramma and a wrasse and an eel too but still!) mine all get along great and swim in a big school together o_o

however I won't keep the dominios (the black ones) because those are the 2 i've had problems with-they grow the BIGGEST and fastest of any of their damsel relatives and no matter how small you are they have GUTS. Mine tried to beat up the 2ft eel and he was about the size of a dime! lol. cute lil things but super gutsy and rude :/
I had a damsal too and I had to ban him to the fuge for a while because he was nipping the tails of my maroons. They're pretty but annoying lol