d2mini's REAL 130g Rimless Cube Build Thread


That is the sexiest tank I have ever seen!
No, in fact I hardly ever use the UV sterilizer.
I bought it originally fearing that I was going to have algae issues being that I get a ton of natural light in that room (and sometimes direct sunlight), but so far I haven't had any problems. My old 46g (in a dark corner of a different room) had really bad hair algae and dino problems so I figured I'd nip it in the bud this time around, but I haven't ended up needing it. Lately I've been thinking of just pulling it out of the sump all together.
I would love to have that orange sponge. I've got a "red boring" and it's nice and adds color, but that orange sponge makes your tank pop. I've never even seen one like that in all of my LFS adventures.
I have never even tried any of the decorative sponges (although I have a few really neat looking hitch hikers). It's never something my LFS has had in, and I'm very wary of ordering something like that online. You are tempting me to try, though!
(MCR is gritting his teeth and trying to be nice) Nice shots.
Can the local livingreefs he man woman haters club chapter join up with your club freak?
Seriously nice shots.
Ya, the sponges are cool but I did lose a two or three red ones. The base of that orange one deteriorated a little bit but i just broke off the bottom piece and replanted it.
If you get one you just have to make sure that it NEVER touches air. That will kill it quick.
POTM right there...I would love to make a snarky comment, but I can't. You're a badass with that camera.
I keep meaning to ask...I think I've read a little about it., but I'm not clear on it..Are you a professional photographer? Or is this just a hobby. I see the Blue Lemon logo on your pics.