d2mini's REAL 130g Rimless Cube Build Thread

So far the water level in the overflow is holding steady.
And it's still DEAD SILENT!!!
If you didn't hear the low hum of the skimmers or vortechs you wouldn't know the tank was even running. The Eheim pump is silent as well.

Now I'm just going to let the water go round and round for two weeks before i get back into town and get my rock. I'll just be keeping an eye on it for the next 3-4 days to make sure it solid.

Here's a full room shot.
Still need to get those carpet tiles for the floor around the stand.

Lookin good! Do you get any splash?

No, i had both vortechs running on full and the surface was just a little ripply.
I didn't bother messing with any custom settings for waves and currents and stuff on the wave drivers yet.
I'll do that when i get back.
Just the main system pump will be running for now.
Thats gonna be an awesome tank Dennis.
Set a day to get some rock in there yet?

Thanks yote. Hopefully the end of the first week of january.
I'll order it on the 4th and probably have it shipped for pickup at the airport on that Friday.
Dennis thats gonna be one heck of a thank.. Can't wait to see it finished.

Also your house is really nice. If you could put some pic of the inside/outside of the house cause I really like it. Thanks :D
Are your lr going to be dead center of the tank, or closer to your overflow?

I still think that's not your house and you stole some copyrighted photos from somewhere :mrgreen:

Love the landscaping out back....very zen...even the word of the day LOL You guys planning to have kids? You'll probably lock them up in some back room to keep your front-of-the-house undamaged LOL That's why all my furtniture is inexpensive Ikea...they can do whatever they want to it, and I won't go ballistic at having them poke holes in my sofas LOL The youngest already took a pencil while I wasn't paying attention, and Psycho-jabbed my piano bench's cushion only a hundred times! :frustrat:
Wonton, i have no idea what I'm going to do yet with the live rock.
Maybe some sort of setup with multiple islands?
I'm just going to have to wait until i get my live rock in and then start putting it in the tank and see what happens. I do plan on it being more minimal than my current rock wall in my 46g.

And no.... no kids yet. :) Can you tell? LOL
But we do have dogs which have done quite a bit of damage themselves.
Our sofa is Eurway. That's only like one step up from Ikea. :D
Here's a few more pics of the tank from various viewpoints in my home.

Standing by the tank again, behind the tv entertainment center.

View from within the kitchen and what should be the dining room table once i clean up the mess

And view from the sofa in the living room.