DI stage installed.


Reefing newb
Installed my DI stage which now completes my 7 stage RO/DI system.

Stage Function
1 UV sterilizer
2 NSF 5 micron sediment
3 NSF Extruded 5 micron carbon
4 NSF Extruded 5 micron carbon
5 NSF/FDA FILMTEC High Rejection TFC Membrane
6 Polishing Carbon/Coconut Shells (residual taste and odor elimination)
7 PENTEK PCF1-10MB Mixed Bed DI Resin

All filters housings are 10"

14 gallon pressure tank.

We use this system for drinking and now the saltwater tank for the past 6-7 months.

Before today my TDS was 45ppm - 55ppm.

Now it's 1ppm. :bounce:

Once I get its source plumbed to the softener and replace the membrane I should drop to zero.
After the system refilled the pressure tank (drained as much as possible before the DI stage was added) and fully recharged I am now at zero ppm TDS!