Do i need a skimmer


Reefing newb
I was just looking for some advice on skimmers. Im wondering do i need to use one or not. And could you advise me on which would be good for my system. Its a 175L its runs a 750 aquris canister filter a 300L/HR hang on filter and 2 power heads. Have crushed coral for substrate 45K of live rock.FISH IN THAT TANK 1 BANNER FISH 1 BI COLOUR ANGEL 1 SAILFIN TANG 1 BLACK RIBBON EEL 1 SHORT SPINE URCHIN So please any advice i would be greatful for. And all the to you and your fish keeping days.:sfish:
Since you seem to be leaning towards a fish-only tank with your fish choices, it would be a good idea to get a skimmer. A skimmer in conjunction with live rock will be excellent filtration, and could allow you to remove the other hang-on-back filters you have on there now (which can lead to poor water quality, ironically, unless they are cleaned often).

There is never a situation where it's not a good idea to have a skimmer. They are a very important piece of equipment.
A skimmer should be high priority in your tank. Being your tank is only 46 gal, you are way overstocked. That sailfin tang will grow to 16" and the eel to 24".