Doc's Reef Build

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

dude?!?!? what are you talking about. I respond to them as soon as I get them. I just got two today. You must be mistaken. I would never leave you hanging!!1

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Uh oh. If Redline goes and drives his motorcycle off the edge of a cliff tonight, I'm blaming you Doc, for not responding to his PMs within the hour that they were sent!
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I got him set straight. If only you were as easy to re-direct. It would make my life complete. He and I have had our chat tonight and it was NOT about you (for once). There should be no cliff-diving for him anytime soon.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I got him set straight. If only you were as easy to re-direct. It would make my life complete. He and I have had our chat tonight and it was NOT about you (for once). There should be no cliff-diving for him anytime soon.

-Dr Marco :sfish:

1) I am stubborn as hell. I have you, Dr. Marco, to faithfully and reliably tell me, "I TOLD YOU SO" every time I f*&# up. And boy, are you good at it!! ;)

2) You two talk about me in your one-on-one therapy sessions? How curious. Is he still whining about that time that I wrapped him in saran wrap, put a dollop of cool whip on his head, and paraded him around the hotel lobby on rollerskates, at knife-point, forcing him to sing, "It's a Small World" while juggling half a dozen grapefruits? Tell him to get over it already; I have.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

He did mention that, but he has overcome that challenge. The one he is belly-aching over is about some forced topless-tabledancing kareoke event with a group of drunk Japanese tourists in the planet hollywood. he is still sore you left him up there alone during the encore of YMCA.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

its all a touchy subject guys. good thing i have a verizonwireless aircard, this way i can make my final post from the edge of the cliff before i jump because i will have internet connection wherever cell service is
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Hey, no one forced him to dance topless while half a dozen Japanese men caressed his manboobs while singing what is possibly the gayest song ever!! It's not my fault he accidentally took my drink that the bartender had slipped the roofies in, in the hopes of getting some Biffer-Action that night. He tells one story, but I bet he neglected to mention that I did send him a text message a few hours later to make sure he was still conscious and that the band member dressed up as the cop didn't take it TOO far with him. See, I'm a good friend.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

see what you did Biff!!! You have undone HOURS of critical therapy with your remindings of how you made poor alexander feel unloved. I think you owe him something for his pain.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

its all a touchy subject guys. good thing i have a verizonwireless aircard, this way i can make my final post from the edge of the cliff before i jump because i will have internet connection wherever cell service is

Wow, excellent product placement there! It almost makes me want to go out and buy a Verizon Wireless Aircard first thing tomorrow! I hear that if you have a Verizon Wireless Aircard, you can access the internet in places that don't even get cable, satellite, or DSL service. Is this true, what they say about the Verizon Wireless Aircard? Is it true that if I purchase a Verizon Wireless Aircard I can go online anywhere as long as my phone gets a signal?
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Holy :pooh:. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH I can't stop laughing...OMG that hit the funny bone so hard. Biff, you are the sugar in my coffee. You take my stuff and just make it sweeter. My gut hurts from laughing. Just the image of the roofies and man-boobs with the woke me up.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Wow, excellent product placement there! It almost makes me want to go out and buy a Verizon Wireless Aircard first thing tomorrow! I hear that if you have a Verizon Wireless Aircard, you can access the internet in places that don't even get cable, satellite, or DSL service. Is this true, what they say about the Verizon Wireless Aircard? Is it true that if I purchase a Verizon Wireless Aircard I can go online anywhere as long as my phone gets a signal?

very true..... and yes i was quite proud of my product placment there. :mrgreen:

just come take mine..... ill be dead soon :death:
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Hey, while we're all on subjects other than Dr. Marco's Reef Build (:p), can anyone tell me why my students keep on confusing the words "albedo" and "libido"? Last time I checked, there wasn't a very accurate way of measuring the libido level of the polar ice caps...
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

unless your sex drive is melting away as fast as the polar ice caps. BA ZING!!!

Upon further reading this makes no sense in response to your comment..... but im leaving it up anyways
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Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Mine? No. It's not going anywhere. Unfortunately :(. Being single would be so much easier if it was melting away...
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

again, Biff, there are meds I can direct you to that will help with your problem.

-Dr Marco :sfish: