dry live rock incident


Reefing newb
The other day i was handling some dry fiji live rock that i had bought for my fish tank. As i was washing it off i noticed after my pinky had this sharp stinging pain in the tip of it when i touched it, and still is. I don't know what could have caused it tho, was there a piece of jelly ray tentacle i touched or coral maby? There is no cut or anything tho it didn't even draw blood
Sorry to hear that, but I really doubt if it was anything live, because the rock was dry/dead...but it was probably something sharp that was dried onto the rock, if not the rock itself. Try running hand under some hot water (as hot as you can stand) for a few minutes, and wash the area well. It should get better in a few days. Also, welcome to the site.
howdy and welcome to the site.. :D I agree with Smitty most likely not something live but maybe an old Coral or vermetid snail ( razor sharp, I have gotten my fingers several times on them) or like Smitty said could be the rock itself..
sounds more like a splinter to me ( maybe tiny piece of metal ). Area will be very sensitive to the touch and may turn red. It will come out in a few days if you cant see it to extract it. area will get a small infection and force its way to the surface. JMHO
+1 Moe. I got more than one rock splinter in my hand when handling my rock. They usually work themselves out in time, although the area will be irritated until it does. Rarely a splinter will abscess, requiring medical attention to lance it and some antibiotics to treat the infection. But that's pretty uncommon; 9 times out of 10 (or more often) they just take care of themselves. The body is an amazing wonderful thing!