Dumb lfs sellign bad corals


Reefing newb
Hey guys, well mostly i wanted to ask if there is any way to save me frogspawn and zoanthid and gonipora. I was sold them in a bad shape, but i didnt realize till i got home and then tried to return and they wouldnt accept. Its been 2 weeks and they look like this. Anybody know what is happening.
frogspawn wont even come out
zoanthid is closed for 4 days
gonipora is turning greenish

Salt: 1.025
ph 8.1
amm 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
flow 1400 (2 korelias)
600 gph return pump too.
protein skimmer
live rock and live sand

pics will be soon


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Wow, it looks like they sold you some dying lps's, did they have flesh, or opened up while at the lfs? And hopefully the zoas open after while, they sometimes stay closed at first for a few days.
well wen i got my frogspawn it opened but not all the way, then in my tank they stayed the same and now wont even open.... The zoas on another hand are dead now( Some person at the lfs told me if i could smell it and it smelled like crap to throw it away.) The gonipora was doing well but i didnt want it after the first day bc i heard they were hard to keep and then they didnt want it. SO i basically lost 3 corals from them....
I'm confused. Did the corals look good in the store?
Just because they didn't survive in your tank, doesn't mean they were "bad".
How's your alkalinity, calcium and magnesium levels?
I'm confused. Did the corals look good in the store?
Just because they didn't survive in your tank, doesn't mean they were "bad".
How's your alkalinity, calcium and magnesium levels?

Dennis took the words right outta my finger tips.
Ok I'll try to explain a lol better when I got the corals from the lfs they were barely coming out and they said that's the way they are. Then I put them in my tank and the looked the same as in the lfs. Then the started to not open and I guess died. I was told that there water was bad quality
ok, well two things here i guess.

1. A learning experience for you. Which is a good thing. As a newbie to the hobby you have to learn what all these different corals are supposed to look like when healthy so you can make better purchasing decisions. Also, remember that the corals in the tanks at your LFS could have just recently arrived. Shipping is stressful and no matter how good the water quality is at an LFS, livestock will be lost/never recover from shipping, or it just takes time for the corals to look good again. You can always ask, but personally I would shy away from anything that didn't look tip-top. Now if every coral they had looked shabby, well then maybe you are right about the water quality at this particular LFS.

2. You still didn't answer my question about your water parameters. The ones you listed earlier look good, but when you start putting corals in your tank, especially LPS and SPS, you really need to be testing for and maintaining proper and consistent numbers with alk, calc and mag. Also keep in mind that the longer your tank has been up and running the better your chances are of having success. Take it slow in the beginning and let things mature. Add one coral and see how it does for a few weeks or more. Then try something else.

Good luck! :)
ohhk well idk my parameters bc i test for alk and cal and mag at the new lfs. They say its good. Should i invest in one?
true that. The new lfs that i found requires you to bring your water to make sure its appropriate for the coral.
honestly think you may be burning the corals too. you said you had a 250 mh, how high above the water is this light? how big is the tank? and did you acclimate them first?
mandarin i went to boardroom aquatics(good) and aquarium and reef center(bad)

buddy: My light is 1 ft above the tank, its a 30 gallon long and i left the bag in the tank fro 30 minutes then drip acclimated them.
mandarin i went to boardroom aquatics(good) and aquarium and reef center(bad)

buddy: My light is 1 ft above the tank, its a 30 gallon long and i left the bag in the tank fro 30 minutes then drip acclimated them.

Cool i went to boardroom aquatics too i needed a test kit lol