Fish Jerky


Broke Reefer!
I am very sad to report that I lost my purple tilefish to a jump. I had him almost a year and he was a fantastic member of my reef community! I have screening on top and velcroed over the back openings of the hood, but it looks like the velcro lost its stickiness on one side and opened up (something I definitely need to fix/improve before adding another one, which I do plan to do). He jumped daily, especially when I came by with food. I know people talk about tilefish as being shy, but this guy was anything but shy once he acclimated - he was one of my happiest and most assertive fish. I will miss him greatly!

RIP Sassy :(
Thanks guys. It really is a sad loss. I was proud at how well he did in my tank. I think the velcro must have gotten wet over time - it was the section near my HOB overflow - and the screening came loose from it. I loved this fish, he was really awesome. I would fully recommend a purple tilefish as long as you really have your openings covered in a way that will work long-term. I also got this guy from Divers Den, so I think he acclimated a lot easier than some, as I've heard getting them to eat is one problem people have had - this was not a problem I encountered. Tilefish do jump. All the time. He regularly hit the screening and splashed around at the top of my tank. In fact, he was jumping out the bag from the moment I got him. And it was one of the things that made him so interesting! I'm currently thinking I'm going to replace the velcro with magnetic stripping and am going to use a glue gun to secure the screening. Curious what others have used to fill the gaps in the back of a canopy?
can someone put up a picture of one for us.aint familiar with that one.?

Sorry for your loss, Fishy.

Why not use glass tops? Mine have an area of plastic yo ucan cut along the back to accommodate any wires/equipment.
still confused!thought originally it was meant to say firefish and not that photo looks like a purple firefish which i had a while back:confused: