Grassman's 55 Gallon Reef

I believe that is the one I got. I got it off craigs list so I am not 100% sure how big, as in gallons it is but I think its a 50 or 55 gal. Will have to measure when I get home.
Sharing's caring....... :mrgreen:

Sure. $9.50 each. Normal price here is $20 - $25 per head. How many you want?

will you seriously ship them? if so 3:)

I would, but it would cost too much to ship overnite. Not sure what it'd be, but if you want to look into it, PM me your zip code. Too bad they weren't coming in this week as my wife is going to Detroit Friday to catch a plane for Florida for a week. (I'm a bachelor for a week. No wife and no kids.) Remember I live in Canada. It's way cheaper if I ship them to Nova Scotia...hint...hint...nudge...nudge...wink...wink...:mrgreen:
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ahh yeah, i wouldnt want to do that, i dont have much doe and 1 day shipping wouldnt be worth it, thanks for thinking of us tho!
Well i think I may have to take your offer sometime in the near future! I will pm ya when i get my 125 up! :D
New addition to the tank. Thanks Matt for telling me to scoop it up!! It's a Hawkfish, but haven't had time to see what kind it is yet. He likes to hide behind the rock and my phone doesn't take the best pictures.



