Help Me Pick

It all depends on what you want to keep.Soft corals and maybe some LPS corals with the first and much more corals withe the second.Still,I prefer the first because it is an open tank meaning better cooling.I'm worried the Aquapod could get very warm closed like that.The little refugium is a big plus with the first one also.I would also go with the 24g. version of those,its just not enough to play with.
I would go with the first one. it has a cleaner look, built in fuge, better cooling with the open top, and better lights.
i gues ill get the first one, if im going to move all of my stuff, how am i going to do it, where am i going to put my fish, and can i buy more live rock or is it too late
i was thinking of buying a cheep goldfish bowl and putting ma clown, snails, hermits, in there while i suck out the sand with a big hose into the new tank, then the water (75%) and putting in 25% new water) then putting in the live rock, wait a cuple of hours for things to settle, then put the inhabitants back in to the new tank form the gold fish bowl.
adding more rock in a tank that small may cause a cycle. you may want to wait a few days to see if any cycle occurs before adding livestock. it would mostly depend on how well the new rock is cured.
I would definitely get cured LR. Especially if you don't have a QT. With a tank that size you may have a mini cylce. When we moved my sisters tank from a 30 to a 55 she never got a cycle. We added more LR and sand.