Just put in marine white sand, but...


Reefing newb
I have read the conscientious marine aquarist and did some research online, but still confused about substrate. FOWLR setup is my route.

Yesterday, I bought 3 bags of marine white sand for 8$ each at petco. However, i'm now rethinking this as I feel that the very fine grain size will create anerobic conditions. Thankfully, I only put 30 lbs in, so its nowhere close to creating a full sand bed (it barely covers the eggcrate).

Should I put 40 more gallons of white sand in and say screw it, or should I mix in very fine grained coral sand (i think that's what it is), which will lead to 50% pure fine grain white sand/ 50% finely crushed coral. I hope to have keep janitors later on that will sift through the substrate.
you should be ok if you finish off with the sand, as long as you have enough sand sifting crabs and/or snails, you shouldnt have any air pocket problems
I just spread out the sand, and looks like there's more than I expected. Hope the pic does justice. I might go to the pet store in Richmond tomorrow to see how the fine crushed coral sands look like. What I definitely don't want is the white sand sinking all the way to the bottom and creating two layers haha



I wouldn't worrie about the sand causing spots, but if it is real fine you might have a problem with your powerheads moving it all around. You will just have to be more careful with powerhead placment. If you mix CC (crushed coral) then all of the bigger piece of CC will come to the top and the sand will go to the bottom. I would just keep the sand.
I agree,Just go with sand.
I about bet a month wages that if you mix sand and crushed coral,that within a month you'll regret it.Because the crushed coral will come to the top and it'll look more like nasty river bank than and ocean bottom.
Are you sure it's a 30 gal? Looks bigger to me and like a bow front which would lead me to think it's a 46 bow front. I could be wrond but it just looks bigger to me.
Thanks for the input guys, really appreciate it! The tank is a 72 bowfront, DIY stand, with 30 pounds of white sand (not gallons of water :D ). Based on replies, I will add 40 lbs of aragonite (or finish with white sand) rather than crushed coral. By mixing in arag, I'm hoping the substrate mixture won't get sucked up into the powerheads as easy.

I too am hoping this setup will be awesome. I just graduated from college and this tank was a present from my Dad. However, I need to find a job now and stock the rest of the tank. Right now it is cycling with a small hob for some water movement. My penguin hob wont work due to low water levels; left to accommodate live rock placement later on.