LionFish's Journey to the Big Tank Club (Loads of pics)

just a lpic update


Lionfish Im thinking of a tang dominated tank what advice or suggestions can you give me about suitable tank mates? Free bump.
oh wow,
Truly i am shocked that my selection hasn't started world war 3
I guess i have been VERY lucky
My blue hippo was the first then small yellow tang was added with no problems then came the large sailfin, no beef I then added the larger yellow tang there was a litthe tail swatting between the large yellow and sailfin, no major drama, I quickly fed them and shut down the lights and the next afternoon they were the best of friends next came the unicorn, almost instantly the sailfin took a chunck out of the dorcle fin on him, I fed again shut off the lights, they were all good. there was no dama with the naso, my clown started to host my frogspawn the same day i added him LOL!

I have heard that when two tangs of the same family will not get along at first, I have seen many tanks that have like 20 or so yellows, no problems
but a yellow and a purple may be DRAMA!

I am really starting to Pick and choose my fish a lil more carfully I have even thought of taking a photo of my next choice ans sticking it to the glass to see how the others would react. if nothing else they would be used to the look of the fish.

My plans
Maby powder blue.
deusimer( SP)
Clown tang
Mimic tang
ultimate goal Achilies !
Orange sholder
What ever else catches my eye!

hell if it crashes I guess i could do sharks or angles Right doc.

What size tank are you planning?
My tangs get along with any other fish, never seen a Hint of agression
Gee...your a little over doing it on the big tangs aren't you.I have two and want to get rid of them.They are freaking eating machines and pooping machines.