Live Rock Odor


Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fish
In the past, my only experience with live rock was with long-established rock that had a normal sort of fishy odor. This Monday, I received pre-cured new LR (from and placed it all in the tank (having previously placed a couple of inches of CaribSea live sand therein). The rock had the same scent as I recalled LR in my past having when I unboxed it, rinsed it and placed it in the tank. Then today I removed a piece for a little additional cleaning, and it had a distinct hydrogen sulfide odor, such as that put off by anaerobic bacteria. Is this due to the normal growth of anaerobic bacteria within the pores of the LR, or die-off, or what - and is this a normal occurrence during LR cycling ?
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Is this happening in an established tank? If so, i would pull all that new rock out and let it cycle in a different container. Those nasty things you are smelling arent good for living critters
Is this happening in an established tank? If so, i would pull all that new rock out and let it cycle in a different container. Those nasty things you are smelling arent good for living critters

Adding partially cured LR to an established aquarium ? I've done some pretty dense things in my time, but never anything as bad as that..... The odor could be from the LS bed; it's only a couple of inches deep but has been in for over a week - and the edge of that rock was pushed down into it so that it rests on the glass..
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