Live Rock order

Check with your LFS before ordering the rubble and base rocks.
A lot of times,they will give you some rubble out their rock tank.But the Fiji live rock is some decent stuff.

Check out before you do anything.
Tampabay look to be a little more pricey. I hear nothing but good things about them but cost is an issue for me. I'll check on the rubble here. Thanks.
TBSW is pretty pricey.
But I like the fact that when the order comes in,You can actually see LIVE hitch hikers crawling all over it.
Several people from this site has ordered LR from them. That looks like enough. You should have about 1-2 pounds per gallon.
the only bad thing about TBSW is that you have to make two trips to the airport to pick it up and they are notorious for having mantis coming with there rock
That and TBSW is cultured rock. They generally take base rock off shore around Tampa and soak it for a year. Whether that's a good thing or bad is up for debate.

IMO using the guide line of a pound or two per gallon is way over stated. Since the LR craze started I have set up numerous tanks most of them identical as far as equipment and maintenance routine. The only difference from system to system would be the presence of a DSB in the sump.

Tanks packed with LR but no dsb would inevitably run 10 to 20 nitrates. Systems with even small dsbs in the sump would almost always run with undetectable nitrates.

Of course a DSB is not going to introduce much in the way of biodiversity to a new tank but on the other hand a pound per gallon of LR is far more than is needed to achieve this. There are other variable to consider here also but my last half dozen tank starts have been at least half base rock mitigating a large expense to the set ups. In six months to a year I am hard pressed to point out which rock started as base and which was LR. Water quality was never a problem in tanks started in this manner either.

But then again thats just me; I could be wrong.
I checked with the LFS and they want $6.90 a lb for live rock or rubble, didn't matter both were $6.90. It didn't even look good. Think I'll go with the Docs.
I stay away from LR myself. Base rock FTW! I don't think there's a better rock than base rock seeded with some coralline algae and/or a very.....very small amount of thoroughly inspected and cured Fiji!'s easier on your wallet!
This may be the wrong place for this questions, please forgive me I'm a newbe. I was told if there was a problem with a piece of live rock that I can boil the rock, but then it would be dead??I have a problem piece of rock has these clear pinapple shaped cones all over it. Non of my other rock have this. BUt I am having trouble with apitasia(Spelling is not one of my best) I reall do not want to use chemicals to get rid of it, what can I do.
My lfs told me that I would need a bunch of pepp's and usually they will eat everything but the apitasia??? They suggested chemicals,but all the frustration I have been through, I do not want to use chemicals.They suggested boiling the rock and even burning each apitasia with a match???? I am so confused
just get a couple pepermint shrimp. or joes juice befor boiling the rock. you can make a salt past and smother it or get some kalk and make a paste an smother it with that also
There are better ways to get rid of aiptasia than boiling the rock.Got any liquid calcium?If you do,then all you need is a hyperdermic needle.Just give them a shot of calcium.They'll melt like a candy bar on a stove eye.
Or any of the above suggestions work fine.
Can you get a pick of the cones thats growing on the rock?
Yote is right -- don't boil the rock unless you absolutely have to. There are plenty of other methods to get rid of aiptasia, peppermint shrimp are the best natural controls. If that doesn't work, a thick salt paste or a thick kalk paste will smother them.