My little chunk of ocean! 210 Gallon Build

Ok got the man made rock into the 210 kinda just threw it in there for now but it gives it a better size reference. I bought a second 500 watt titanium heater and controller. I am getting the light fixture this week, its a 6 foot T-5 fixture and has 6 80 watt T-5's.






Thats the middle of the tank I have 2 MJ mods on one end and 1 on the other they meet in the middle and make waves. I have soe aquascaping and some adjusting to do yet. I havent really messed with it cause its goingto be another month or two before I get fish in there I may do something tomorrow though cause I'm off work.
yeah, i dont like the way my overflows are either because stuff always gets trapped in the corners where nothing can move it into the overflows
looking good! man i dream of the day i get rock and sand in my tank.....and its only rock and sand!
Also what are the 2 instruments on the wall/
temp controllers is right, there are 2 500 watt titanium heaters. I also have a pinpoint digital wireless thermometer which sits next to my bed and shows me temps of my 75 gallon reef and and the 210 as I sit and watch TV. I finally figured out some lighting for this big boy too. I am going friday to pick up a used 5 bulb 480watt T-5 fixture. I am only doing soft corals in this tank so it should be plenty of light. The fixture is also a foot shorter than my tank, but I think it will work for what I want. I will get some pics up this weekend. Here are a few pics of my fish, I got some new clown fish and took a couple others. My Vlamingi used to be dwarfed by my Harliquin tusk and now he is bigger than him.





I would sure hope so!! I can't believe I forgot to tell you guys what happened. Ok so on Sept. 5th I had the tank filled with water and I was scraping the back of the tank with an extended scraper blade, the same as I had been doing all week. With my tank being 6'2" I had been using a bar stool to get to the back and the bottom. Well on this night I had friends coming over and we were going to plumb the tank, I was doing some last minute cleaning and my girlfriend was getting ready to leave for a girl's night out. I was going to do saltwater stuff and drink beer (exciting night to me) well I was coming down off of the stool when I felt it start to tip. All I remember thinking was ouch this is going to hurt my shin. Well in thinking that I didn't pay attention to my head bouncing off the edge of the tank stand. So needless to say once I ws on the ground my hand went straight to my head and there was blood, at this point I knew it was hospital time I just didn't know how bad. I ran to the bathroom to see the damage and was dumbfounded at what I had done to myself. Luckily my girl was there and able to rush me to the hospital doing 100 mph. I was losing a lot of blood and starting to see in a blur. We made it to the ER and spent 5 hours there. You could see my skull!!!! So 3 stiches to hold the tissue together and a lot of derma bond later here is what you get.

This is before stiches


and this is when I got home that night or morning I should say.



Within the next day or so of it happing my eye was almost completly swollen shut and black and blue. As bad as it looks I got luckly that I had no concussion and I didn't fracture my eye orbit, and most important I didnt lose my eye.