My Wrasse Jumped!

This thread reminds me of a trip to the LFS. I was looking at some wrasses and one of them jumps and gets lucky and lands in another tank. Too bad it was a trigger fish tank. He was pretty safe when I left, but who knows.

I want a herd of clownfish! (random... 0_o)
Well, he made it through the night, but he still isn't quite right. He's hiding more than swimming. I hope he recovers.
Well, he made it through the night, but he still isn't quite right. He's hiding more than swimming. I hope he recovers.

Every fish I've ever had that got sick (SW & FW) always hid while they were sick but, always came back out when they healed.
I'm starting to think that he's just freaked out from the jump too. He's coming in and out of the rock "testing the waters" so to speak..When he does swim, he seems to be swimming fine. If he makes it through this, I'm gonna have to name him Everlast.
I think he's gonna be ok. I just threw some food in...and he ate. So his vision isn't damaged, and he can still swim...

Here's an oddball question...Do you think if a fish jumps out of the tank, and gets put back in, that he doesn't realize he's in the same tank? It seems like he's getting more comfortable, but when other fish come around he he doesn't recognize them.

I think this case is closed, a wrasse can take a pretty significant drop onto the floor and still make it if he gets put back in immediately.

Gotta go to work.