New additions!!


I have a Blue Thumb
MAN!! I got a great paycheck this week so I couldn't help it!! I just HAD to go to the LFS and get my first zoo's or paly's. I went to the closest LFS to me, Ocean Blue, but they hadn't gotten anything in since the last time I've been there so I headed to Sea In The City! Got there and the first thing that caught my eye were some torch's! I had a torch before but it died off due to water quality, THANKS ROOMATE! Anywho, the tentacles aren't developed yet so I believe they've just been fragged or their very young heads. I also picked up what I believe are Tangerine Paly's! Only 3 little polyps but I think they'll spread quickly. I'll post some picks of both additions tom. I really wanted an electric torch that had orange tips on it but it wasn't for sale :(

Update: My Duncan hasn't spawned another head, although it has def. gotten A LOT larger in diameter. I believe I see a spot where it's growing off of the stock so hopefully that'll be the 1st new head!

You got BALLS starting a thread about a new coral and there's no friggin' pictures!! :mrgreen:

Pics!! We need pics!!

Unfortunately I've seen a dying torch. And this torch doesn't look like it's dying, to me at least. Picked it up for $15 for 3 heads. I can only hope it'll continue to grow. The tentacles came out a little more than they were in the display tank at the LFS so I think it likes the flow I have. I didn't take a pic of the zoo/paly, whichever it is, because they've been closed since I've brought them home. So hopefully they'll open up for me soon so I can snag a pic.
I hope that torch gets happy for ya.
Not a bad price though,if you can get it to extend those tenticles.
Ya, I've got my fingers crossed on it. The girl said they had recently fragged it so I figure it's still in shock. I've put some Kent Marine Iodide I in the tank which the hopefully help it out a little. I'm fixin to do a water change also.
Instead of dosing the iodine in the tank.Get yourself a bottle Lugols iodine and give your corals a 15 to 20 minute soak in it.
That way the corals getting enough to kinda work as antiseptic and you dont have to worry about over-dosing the tank.