OK to add another shrimp?

T Fades

Reefing newb

I have a 28g nano that currently houses 1 firefish (MIA), 1 fire shrimp, 2 astreas, 2 nass., 2 trochus, 1 emerald.

I would like to add another shrimp, either a sexy or cleaner. Would it be okay to add one of these shirmps, and will there be any aggression issues with my above inhabitants, particularly the fire shirmp?
Go for the cleaner, the sexies are so tiny you will hardly see them in that sized tank. Plus the sexies need to be in groups, like 6ish.
I've read about some possible incompatibilities between cleaners and fire shrimp. Not suggesting you _will_ have that problem, just as a heads up.
I'm not disagreeing... the post was about a possible incompatibility based on temperament of the shrimp and the type of cleaner you put it with.
I'm not disagreeing... the post was about a possible incompatibility based on temperament of the shrimp and the type of cleaner you put it with.

Yep my cleaner was mean to my peppermint and he eventually died. Shrimp can be bitchy I have a tank full of freshwater ones that generally get along fine just depends guess they have bad days too
I think you would be okay with a cleaner shrimp. Shrimp will USUALLY get along. Adding livestock into our systems is always a risk., but in this case I think it's minimal.