Ordering a few fish...

I dunno really, just heard they are escape artists and many people have found them on the floor when they had pretty secure tops with barely a crack and it made its way through it.
Disregard my post in the other thread. That tank has come a long way from when I last saw it(when you brought it home) IMO a moray will surely escape from that tank. You are going to need a weighted lid. I think that I have read somewhere that eels can push with up to 15 psi. That number seems to ring a bell in my brain.
You have almost limitless options with a tank that size. I am a fan of sharks, but while you have the gallon and size for a good size shark, the amount of LR limits movement so a shark and ray are out. To successfully keep an eel (I have kept many of the years) you have to cover the whole thing. They will even crawl down the drain pipe if you don't have it covered. They are a pain IMHO, even tho I have a fondness for them. You can have amazing fish in that tank, a clown trigger would be quite impressive in there, as well as large angelfish. A queen angel would be great in there. I cannot tell from the picture you posted, but arranging the rock into a more pyramid form might help visibility of the fish you choose. A volitan is a great addition and can be kept with coral. I thought you mentioned having some coral already. Are you going to keep it in that tank?

Thanks, the more I'm thinking about it, the more I think I better stay away from getting an eel. Darn it...Grrrr

I know with a tank this size its really cool to watch my school of green crome's, they have a lot of swimming room.

And that picture was very old... I did build up the live rock in the middle, the fish have lots of swimming room. Its like a little simulated ocean reef.

The corals are just growing off of the rock, I can see a few leather corals, some hidden cup corals, some xenia, some large green mushrooms, tube coral.... Its just everywhere, so yeah that coral will all have to stay in the tank.

I really need to find someone to come take a photo for me...LOL\

I will soon, I promise...
You have almost limitless options with a tank that size. I am a fan of sharks, but while you have the gallon and size for a good size shark, the amount of LR limits movement so a shark and ray are out. To successfully keep an eel (I have kept many of the years) you have to cover the whole thing. They will even crawl down the drain pipe if you don't have it covered. They are a pain IMHO, even tho I have a fondness for them. You can have amazing fish in that tank, a clown trigger would be quite impressive in there, as well as large angelfish. A queen angel would be great in there. I cannot tell from the picture you posted, but arranging the rock into a more pyramid form might help visibility of the fish you choose. A volitan is a great addition and can be kept with coral. I thought you mentioned having some coral already. Are you going to keep it in that tank?

You are wise to reconsider the eel. They are awesome but they will cause trouble if you don't plan accurately for them. A friend had one disappear into a drain and take refuge in his plumbing. It lived out of sight until it eventually grew too large to fit comfortably and popped up one day in the DT quite a bit larger and better equipped to eat some of the tanks' newer additions.
You should consider some kind of Sweetlips. I know a lot of us have marveled at the thought but don't have a tank big enough to even consider it though you definitely have the room. And that will take care of your dilema on removing the chromis too.:D

check this out: http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productList.asp?cid=19&did=1

I have always liked the first one in their list, the Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides
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After a year and half at the LFS,I have only seen one eel get out of its tank.And that was because there was a much larger eel chasing it.Not saying they dont escape,just hadnt seen it myself.
What? COME ON! No one? Really? No one has said it yet???


I laughed for a good while about it, but wasn't sure how it would go over so I remained silent... lesson learned.

I was on earlier and came back a few minutes ago to find Biff, that you were the last poster on just about every subscribed thread. Is that a requirement or just a disorder? :D