Placement of Powerhead


Reefing newb
I'm curious about placement of powerheads ...

I placed my powerhead on the top of one wall and angled it downwards towards the other wall (furthest away wall). I have a 17 gallon rectangle tank with a 450 powerhead. I'm just curious how I should angle the powerhead. Also, I have the out flow of the filter on the same wall pointing up (which causes rip-pules in the water pretty good). The outflow filter is almost, if not, stronger than the powerhead.


I see from people's tank photos that most powerheads aren't pointed directly at the live rock/coral. SOOOO, I assume I should angle mine just slightly downwards.

As long as it's not disturbing the sand, and you have ripples, it should be fine :) Ideally, it should be grazing the sand just enough to keep detritus from settling on it.