Refugium Q


Reefing newb
So, many of you may have seen all of my other recent posts, but have many questions...I have had my fuge running for about a month now and it is covered in brown algae....chaeto is growing REALLY fast and my nitrates are down to 0 now since adding it. (before they were a steady 20 ppm) How necessary is it that i clean off the brown algae? It doesn't bother be honest I haven't cleaned it once since hooking it up. I may suck up some debri that is collected at the bottom with a siphon, but wasn't sure if I need to be doing other maintenance to it....thanks for any help....oh btw, put snails in it?
It's not necessary. As long as the algae is growing in the fuge, not in the display, the fuge is working as intended. A lot of people will keep a small CUC in their fuge to keep it cleaner. You could add some snails.
How long are you running the lights on your fuge? You can put a small CUC in there to take care of that algae. I have a few snails, 29ish hermits, and a gorilla crab in my fuge. You just need to make sure that you occasionally supplement them with food if there's nothing in there for them to eat.