RO water

If this guy actually shows up at my house we might be able to sell this story to some television show and buy lots of corals with it.

Ridiculous topic.
I was seariieously considuring it but if you do not mind if I dont come then i will not but if you really want me to come i may just come
well if you're coming you better come soon because my tank is just sitting here. I can't wait to get a truck full of water in there!!!
can you pm me your address

This was the easiest and most pathetic pick-up of a little kid that I have ever seen. I bet Jerry Sandusky is envious of your skills! :lol:


Seriously, if you are going to do things like this, you cannot be on the internet without adult supervision. Not everyone online has good intentions (I'm not saying anyone on this site doesn't -- but too many bad things happen to kids on the internet with too much freedom). If you act this way on other sites, I'm afraid you are making yourself way too easy to take advantage of and are making yourself vulnerable to lots of trouble out there! For your own safety, turn off the computer and don't come back until you have some sense! You are putting yourself at risk because you are so naive and gullible and because you are a little kid trying to operate in a grown-up environment. That can make for a dangerous combination when there are people online willing to exploit that!

Please, if you don't understand what is going on in this thread, you don't belong online unsupervised by a parent, period.
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joshuashih1, I have a business proposition for you:

Let's corner the California market. You take the north, I'll take the south.
This is what I need:
1. You send me a brand new RO/DI unit (preferrably 6 stage or better).
2. I will make the water and sell them at market rate over here.
3. Every month, you will get your cut (minus my cut, overhead expenses, city fees, business license, operations cost, etc). That should make your cut about 5 cents per month total.
4. Every 2 months, you will send me replacement cartridges for 1 Micron Sediment Filter, 1 Catalytic Carbon Refill, 1 ChlorPlus cartridge, and two refill bags for Color Changing DI resin.
5. Every 6 months, you will send me an RO membrane replacement.

Do not worry about my cost of water from the water company. I already have a buyer lined up to buy my RO waste water at 5 cents per gallon and local pickup. So that should at least cover my cost of water.

This should be a profitable venture for at least one of us.
5 cents a gallon is cheaper than I can make it. Even with a 10% delivery fee. I don't see how it's profitable for you though

I'll take 1500 gallons
I was talking about the original guy offering water, not the one that wants to get paid to go into business with him :bounce:
He has not responded to me with a flat out "No" just yet so I think he's mulling it over. :)

When you guys want to expand into the Chicago market, let me know. I already have an RO unit. So I would just require a supply of new membranes and filters. Same deal would apely :mrgreen: