Say Bye to One Month Cycles!

I have a very hard time believing that, especially because it says for both salt and fresh. The bacteria in those two types of systems are very different, and require very different conditions to live. I would say its almost impossible to have both kinds of bacteria alive in the same bottle.
I just bought this stuff when I was thinking my tank didn't cycle and I plan on using it when I get a big tank.

The difference between him and the others is that this is the guy who invented the Biro-Spira back in the day for Marineland I think it was and just went out on his own.

The difference is that the bacteria in the bottle he sells is the one you tank makes during the cycle.

The difference is that he is not just "Johny's Fish Tank Stuff Maker" he is known for his products and does the leg work and doesn't just slap a sticker on it and price it at $14.99.

I have yet to read anything bad from anyone who has used it. Not saying it is not out there but all I ever read was that it worked and plus it isn't like you add it in the middle of the tanks life it is only for the start up. I feel better about that then adding it when I have a ton of fish and corals.

I just purchased along with 2 bottles of this, 2 bottle of his Dr. Tims Waste Away.

He emailed me and said it would help to lower the Nitrates naturally, even though it doesn't say that on the bottle by cleaning up extra waste in my water and it is reef safe and natural not chemicals. If he knows how it naturally occurs I would think he knows what to put in it.

He also told me in an email that I had to be sure I didn't have Ammonia or Nitrites before using it and that is when I got a new API test that showed I was 0 and 0.

Now I have to say Little_Fish was the first to suggest that but he gave me the final push to go buy it. My LFS charge $40 but Pet Solution has it for $17.99.

The bottom line to me is this.

Everyone can be skeptical. Shiz I am with the cost of all this stuff but I also know that no matter how many posts you read and forums you go to it is never going to matter.

Who is going to read a post and say, ok now I trust it since I just read the 500 positive.

Who has to come out and say it works in the news which is never gonna happen. I can see it now on the nightly news... Just In.. Dr. TIm's One and Only Works!!! and then we all buy it.

Best thing you can do is buy some and do a small tank to test it and then you will know.

My point is that all the negative or skeptical comments are never going to change in the forums until those people try it themselves.

We all have read posts where one person says yay and the other says nay.

I got mine from Fosters and Smith and it came with cold packs which were not cold when I got them but it wasn't hot so I just slapped them in the fridge for now until when I get a bigger tank. I think he said they can live for over a year in there.

I have just last night put in some Waste-Away and if it works right all the Algae growing in the tank will slowly go away and it will help clean the pumps and all. I really don't want to have to take them all out and brush them heehee.
Yeah I will.

I am only using the Waste-Away since my tank is cycled already.

I hope it works well. If I ever get a big tank before any of the regulars on here decide to try it I will let you know that as well but that won't be for a while.
Ok it has been one week since I got my Waste Away and this is what I think.

I started off with 1/2 a dose as it says this is recommended for dirty tanks which i don't think mine is. I mean it looks clean. It can cause cloudy water for a day.

So yesterday I added my 2nd dose as it is weekly so I did it a day or so early as you can see the previous post saying I used it was 5 days ago.

I did this to get myself on a Monday dose for this since if I ever go anywhere for a day or so it is usually the weekend and I don't want to miss doing it myself.

Ok so the results so far.

The Hair Algae in my overflo is visibly less and I can tell.

The brown dots on my glass near the bottom of the tank and corners is not totally gone but it has not come back nearly as much as it had in the past.

Is it from the Waste-Away? I can only say that I used it and this is what I have observed and this is partly what it claims to do. If it does this well now and does what else it claims to do with Natural bacteria then I am happy to use it.

I will update again in a week and hopefully all the Hair Algae will be gone and my Nitrates will be at 0. I have to check on them tomorrow to see if they have dropped but they were the same 20 2 days ago. My Ammonia and Nites are 0.

I have to check everything - Ammonia, Nites, Nates, Calcium, Magnesium, PH and ALK tomorrow. YAYAYYAYA!