Sixspot sleeper goby


Reef enthusiast
FAMILY - Godidae

SCIENTIFIC NAME - Valenclennea Sexguttata

COMMON NAME - Sixspot Sleeper Goby

SIZE - 5.5" (14 cm)

RANGE - Indo West Pacific

MIN. AQUARIUM SIZE - 55 US Gal. (208 L)

FOODS AND FEEDING - Difficult to feed, varied diet of meaty foods, small crustaceans, vitamin enriched live and frozen brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, live black worms, prepared marine fare for carnivores.


REEF COMPATIBILITY - Will eat bristleworms, desirable infaunal invertebrates in live sand.

CAPTIVE CARE - Will stir substrate in reef systems, usually do not get enough to eat and starve to death. Keep in a tank with live sand and a well established refugium, feed well, deworming may help, will show aggression towards other sleeper gobies, keep only one or a male female pair.

Sixspot sleeper goby.jpg
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