Sniffles 29G

Great looking new additions. Be sure to keep that galaxea away from your other corals it looks close to a duncan? It has evil sweepers that come out at night.

Hows your elegance doing? If its stil having issues I would place it in a partially shaded area, they don't like strong light and a low - med flow.
Thanks winy.

My elegance is still pissed at me. I had it out in high light and med-strong flow too long so it's tentacles nubbed up on me. I have it under my arch in the shade in low-med flow.

Do yu mean that chalice frag? If so I placed it away from my duncan up on my rocks.
Here's a pic of the hairy shroom when I first put it in my tank. My clown attacked it in my hands and sliced it pretty bad. But now it's spread out and beautiful!

LOL really! it looks in that picture, like a galaxea that I have I'm going to need to find the a picture of it and compare it to it..
Elegance update: - Because I know you all care SO much - The elegance has opened up JUST a tiny bit to excrete some waste so I suppose it's still alive and slowly adapting to my tank.

I had to do a search and rescue for some paly's last night and in the process decided to redesign my aquascaping just a TINY bit. I'll snap some pics of both the paly's (which I shot before but promised better pics) and maybe an FTS if I'm satisfied.

P.S I'm saving for a 90 or 120g new tank...... shhhhhhhhh, don't tell my woman!
so what one day your gonna come home with a 125 and say "hey look what I found can I keep it" Good luck with that and if it works for you I will try it also.
No, no, no.... she knows that I'm interested in starting a larger tank. She understands that this is my hobby/obsession and supports it. She's great. I'm just STARTING to save for a 90-120g tank. It'll take me awhile to get the $$, along with paying for the rest of the bills. I was just joking about not telling her.
good luck saving for a bigger tank. i have been trying to save for a 120 for almost a year and every i get some money put aside i end up having to use it for something else. i would go for the 120 over the 90 dang near the same cost
good luck saving for a bigger tank. i have been trying to save for a 120 for almost a year and every i get some money put aside i end up having to use it for something else. i would go for the 120 over the 90 dang near the same cost

Ya, but I'm saving for the tank, lights :shock:, etc. So it'll be a loooooooooooooong time.
One of my clowns has a blacks spots on her body. I've read that it has to do with her getting stung by a coral she's hosting. I was unaware that Duncans sting????? I've only seen her hosting the Duncan during the day and sleeping on the hairy mushroom at night. Does that sound about right? The Duncan is stinging her?
All corals can sting.Just some of em have a stronger sting than others.My Galaxea fires me up when the sweepers find those those little fine sheetmetal cuts on my hands.
But yeah,that sounds about normal for your clown.
I'm wondering if the 1st chamber in my sump could be used as a refuge.

Sump design: First chamber is fed by the overflow from DT, spills over into skimmer compartment which spills into return chamber.

So the compartment I'd like to use for a refuge has plenty of flow. I think it may too much though because I know the macro needs time for contact with the water. So I'm not sure if it'll work, and I'd rather not add sand, LR rubble and a light to only find out it won't work.

Does it matter if a refuge is clear? Because my sump is a dark acrylic, I think it's acrylic.