so i caught my clownfish doing something weird


Reefing newb
Im sitting in bed watching tv, look over, and see my clownfish picking up small hermit crabs and spitting them back into the RBTA that he lives in. I've heard of clowns throwing food into anemones that they host, but a whole hermit crab? Lol
What kind of clown?

My Pink Spot watchman goby picks hemits and snail up and drags them back to his "lair
". Theres a line of them coming out now. lol
Weird. From something like a maroon I might expect something like that since they're much larger and much more agressive than regular clowns, but I've never heard/seen that from my clowns before.

Wish my clowns would have done that to my last hermits. The hermits would climb on each other to reach a snail on the glass and drag it down. They never used the shells though. Weird.

I think they had plenty to eat.