
Coral Cobb

Reefing newb
So i have a yellow tail damsel and two sally lightfoot crabs, and i would like to throw 2 clowns in, what other fish do you guys and gals think would finish off my fish list? Hopefully some othe nice colorful wife and my daughter likes the colors...and me lol. Its a 55 gallon with just the the poor single strip so far and working on building a two emperor 280s and heater are obstructing my view!
Damsels and clowns are all of the same family. You're setting yourself up for an aggressive tank where the fish fight all the time.

Trap and remove the damsels. Get the clowns and think about something different to finish stocking the tank. Maybe a goby or a bleny?
also what kind of tank are you looking to set up a reef or rock only agressive tank or a community tank.:sfish:
I gotta agree with Rc on trapping the damsels.Those things are the spawn of satan.
Then look at firefish,gobies,blennies,even the smaller wrasses would look great in there.
With damsels you run the risk of the killing any other fish you try to add to the tank. They are highly aggressive, especially for their small size.
well not everyone, Damsels are pretty fish. They just limit you. If you have a small to medium tank and all you want is a few colorful fish Damsels do just fine. If you want more then just a few fish then you have to go another route.
I have a damsel in my frag tank. But it's the only fish in there. I don't care about having fish in the frag tank - it's just there to produce a little bit of waste for my biological system and my corals.

You could have a tank with nothing but damsels. I always though that would be cool. There really are some neat damsels. But they are like little squirrels. Always running around and fighting with each other, chasing each other around the tree (or around the rocks in our case) and generally being loud and aggressive.

If you want an aggressive tank and don't mind the fact that you'll always have a smaller/loser fish that gets picked on by the stronger/more aggressive fish - then damsels and clowns would be cool. But thats all you could put in the tank. Anything else would just get chased and beaten until it died of injuries or starvation.
Maybe a goby or a bleny?

Here are some good additions IME

Black sailfin Blenny

Pink Spotted Goby
nice tank, well thanks everyone, i added my 2 clowns, they look great. will let them rest and stop looking at them! they will meet their tank mates in the am. will keep you guys posted