tank on fire

sorry been busy lately but all fish are fine sofar ive ordered a canopy replacement glass support beam and new lids from www.glasscages.com that i told my story to and is hooking me up even though i didt get my tank from them. for the tank and i will be building a diy led setup useing cree leds (it will be sick! also reef rdy if i ever wana change the tank to salt) from www.rapidled.com who i have also been talking to and is giving me a good price on a nice diy led setup ill have pics sometime after 25th thats when everything comes. ima see if i can get some of my money back from coralife because ill never use anything from them again
i dont blame you for not wanting to use coralife anymore,i had an older style skimmer and the pump was leaking voltage into my tank,ive got a new pump for the skimmer so ill see how the new ones work
a quick snapshot of the 240 gal after the fire it still dosent have the led's on yet so bare with me its still seen bettter days

I LOVE knife fish. One day I will have a fresh tank big enough for one. :)

the bad thing about the knife is i will have to upgrade tanks for them again here prolly in anouther year to keep them happy, they are right around 1.5-2 but they are fun to watch. one of them will sit under the spraybar and wait for food to get shot at him then catch it. only bad thing about them is they splash a lot coming up for air.
Glad things are back on track :D +1 lilfish...has it always been uneven? Aren't you worried about uneven pressure at the seams?
the bad thing about the knife is i will have to upgrade tanks for them again here prolly in anouther year to keep them happy, they are right around 1.5-2 but they are fun to watch. one of them will sit under the spraybar and wait for food to get shot at him then catch it. only bad thing about them is they splash a lot coming up for air.

It makes me crazy that we sell the knifes... I never let anyone buy them! :mrgreen:
It makes me crazy that we sell the knifes... I never let anyone buy them! :mrgreen:

i think its much worse to see pacu's for sale in fish shops, both the knifes i have i got from someone that had them in a 20 gal tank i figured my 240 gal would be a better spot then most outher peoples tanks for them to grow for a bit.

ya its a bit uneven, when i fiured it out there was already rock and water in it, if it was a small tank i would of fixed it but because of its size i just let it go for the moment ill fix it if i have to move soon. as far as the side naw im not worryed the fire didt hurt anything major it just cracked some of the beams that hold the lids up no damage to the outside walls
Wow, dude... you lucked out! Kind like me, when i found my ReefKeeper power strip melting and burning up one morning. Scary stuff.

I'm curious to know what coralife says. You need to send them those photos... and let them know the forums are watching with baited breath. ;)
i think its much worse to see pacu's for sale in fish shops, both the knifes i have i got from someone that had them in a 20 gal tank i figured my 240 gal would be a better spot then most outher peoples tanks for them to grow for a bit.

Haha. I also never let anyone buy the pacus.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpgAzYSLzoI&feature=channel_video_title]DIY LED Aquarium Panels _ Part 1 - YouTube[/ame] got a lot done on the led's but there not done yet i havent had a ton of free time to work on them