Tanked's 125 build thread

Kite string works better on pvc. Goes through it like butter. Plus you dont have to try and figure out how to get a bulky hack saw into a tight space.
I ended up hack sawing it. Thanks guys :)

Soooo....I finished filling it with saltwater today, and immediately rushed to the LFS to pick up rock. :D I got 100 lbs of very well cured fiji, and 51lbs of semi cured. That leaves room for the 40ish lbs from the 29gallon, and appx 60 lbs of this really awesome south pacific stuff the lfs has, which I will buy later...anyway pics coming this evening. :D
All right, here's an update. I was re-arranging the rocks again on Saturday, getting them perfect... and as I was wrapping up, the right side leg of my new lights literally snapped off. I'm lucky I was close enough to the tank to catch the lights before they went crashing through the tank. SO, I took the lights and broken leg back to the LFS because I don't want lights that flimsy-- they've been on the tank less than a month. Long story short, despite the fact that the LFS owner recommended these lights specifically, he won't take them back even if I order another brand of lights from him. The only thing he'd do is take a leg off the same brand light set (but a 2' version instead of the 6' I bought) and give me a "new" leg.... but it's still the same style, and still structurally unsound IMO. My friend that works at the LFS also called the manufacturer, but they'll only give a new set of legs also. The legs they put on the 6' light are the same exact ones they use for a 2' light-- flimsy plastic pieces.

Anyway, so now I have to build a canopy that can support these lights, and I don't feel safe using these legs as the only support for the lights. this really F'ing sucks-- I spent so much damn money on these things, and they literally fell apart after less than a month of use. Worse, my trusted LFS owner has proven what a two-faced @$$ he is.... obviously, he doesn't stand behind his products like he says he does.

SO, I also ordered an expensive skimmer through the same LFS. It was supposed to be here 3-4 weeks ago, but it wasn't. It got here yesterday. I'm debating whether I should keep my word and buy it (it was a special order), or tell them to go fly a kite because of the way he treated me in regard to the lights. I don't mind pissing the owner off-- he deserves it-- but my friend that works there... that'd be uncool. And I know for a fact he'd be blamed if I don't buy the skimmer.

So what do you all think?
I understand your frustration, however I guess it depends on what he told you when you purchased the lights. Did you specifically ask about the support legs? Did he miss lead you in some way? He did replace the part for you and the Company has offered to send you new ones as well.

As a 'Mom and Pop' Retailer I understand that you cannot 'stand' behind every product you sell. That is the manufactures' responsibility not the owner of the retail store. If they personally guaranteed each and every item they sell they would be out of business. With that said the retailer should do everything possible to help the customer and resolve the issue.
Well, I mentioned to him when I first got the lights that I felt the legs weren't strong enough to support such heavy lights, and he said it would be fine. He only mislead me insofar as saying that he "always" helps his customer resolve problems with products. The only reason the company got involved is because my friend called, not because the owner called. The owner originally essentially told me he wouldn't help in any way.

I duno, I guess I feel like the retailer makes money off me, and I could have been shopping online all along and spent much less money on this setup... but I choose to shop locally because I felt like I'd get more support and such.
Well, I mentioned to him when I first got the lights that I felt the legs weren't strong enough to support such heavy lights, and he said it would be fine. He only mislead me insofar as saying that he "always" helps his customer resolve problems with products. The only reason the company got involved is because my friend called, not because the owner called. The owner originally essentially told me he wouldn't help in any way.

I duno, I guess I feel like the retailer makes money off me, and I could have been shopping online all along and spent much less money on this setup... but I choose to shop locally because I felt like I'd get more support and such.

Did you get to see the set-up before you bought it? Or did you have to pay for it in advance and he ordered it in for you. If so, I think you would have needed to say you didn't want it because of the legs before you used it or right after you set it up and realized it was not what you wanted. If in deed he mislead you by saying it would be fine then you may have a case.

The other thing on his end to consider is what is he to do with a used light. Can he return it or will he have to eat it or discount it in order to sell it.

I think I would pressure him to give you a partial refund ( or store credit) for your unhappiness and his promise. That way he doesn't lose the sale completely and you get something for your trouble. Also let him know this is what it will take to make you happy and that he WILL continue to get you business on other purchases, so in the long run he will end up ahead. He may think that he has already lost your future business, so may be unwilling to work with you.

Also play the woman card (I know, but it works) and also the FAIRNESS card.

Good luck. And remember this is only my opinion.
I did not get to see the 6' light before hand, no. Once I got it home and put it together, I did go into the store and voice my concerns about the legs, and he said it would be fine. I assumed that, because the lights were (imo, at least ) defective, he'd be able to return them to the manufacturer... but I don't know if that's the case or not.

btw... what's the woman card? And thanks for the help :)
Okay I do think you have a good case then. You said you weren't happy and specifically expressed your concerns about the legs when you got them. Sounds like he just dismissed it by saying they'd be fine and instead he should have made sure you were going to be happy so that this would not happen as it has.

The woman card. Usually nice women are easier to deal with and sometimes thought of as (I'm going to get in trouble here) being a little more "helpless" so male clerks/owners take more liberties with return policies for them. The saying " You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar " is typically true. A nice non threatening woman as opposed to a yelling demanding man will in the end get more satisfaction.
What fixture did you get Tanked?
I know at the store I help at,after 30 days,its out of the stores hands.Tho we do try to keep the customer happy and will do everything we can to make it right.
And your right about the legs on those 6ft light fixtures.There fine on 2ft and 3ft fixtures,but they need to be beefed up on the big boys.
Did your light come with a hanging kit?
Most lights are able to hang from the ceiling as well as sit on legs. Especially a set that size -- usually for big lights, legs aren't even an option! I bet you anything that there's an easier route than building a canopy. Are there any grooves or ridges along the sides or top of the lights?
I got the new marineland pro lights. They haven't made a hanging kit yet, and I spent an hour at lowe's trying to find an eye thingie that would fit...but it's a proprietary size or something cause nothing I tried would fit.

As for grooves....sorta. I'll take a pic and post in a few.

above is one end (the one that had the leg broke off) of the lights to give you an idea of the profile they have.


here's the long edge of the lights. That little lip in the photo is appx 1/4". There is also a track that runs the length of the lights, on both sides, where the legs are supposed to affix to. I guesstimate that is about 1/4" wide and 1/4" deep.
Here's the lights I got (cheaper too...grrr)

And, DrF&S list a hanging kit as available, but my LFS owner swears up and down they don't make a kit for it. HMmmmm.... Oh, and he didn't tell me there was no kit for it until after I purchased them. :grumble:
+1 Biff
Any time you got a fixture that big,the legs just wont cut it.But thats any of the fixtures.
When I bought my lights,they came with the hanging kit.I just had to install some brackets to hang it from because the ceiling joists didnt work out.