They might be a little ticked off


I failed Kobayashi Maru
I was doing a maintenance cleanup of my 10 gallon. So I thought Hm...I'm in there, might as well adjust the rocks a little, clean under the rocks, etc Out come Suspect #1 theh firefish, Silver the clown goby (Kid named him..he's yellow...dunno why she calls him silver!), and Snaps the pistol shrimp. They were all hiding under the big rock. They were PISSED!!!! :shock:

Well, I hope they survive the nitrate spike that I no doubt stirred up from messing w/ the sand. I should've left it well alone....but sometimes, you just can't help yourself!
Typical woman :mrgreen:
They should be fine.Just make sure to keep all the kitchen knives out of their reach for a few day :D