Weird or not?


Reefing newb
Ok so I've had my flame angel for 2 months. The other day I found it laying on the sand bed pale as the sand and breathing rapidly. I was 99% sure it was about to die. I usually scoop out any fish immediately that appears to be dying but this time I had some other things to do so I waited until later. When I went back to the tank, I couldn't find the angel. I stared for about 5 minutes and out of nowhere the angel was swimming around healthy and as brightly colored as the first day I bought her. Anyone ever experience that with any fish? All my parameters were normal to begin with .
Maybe it was in sleep mode? I always find my chromis along the sandbed, pale and breathing rapidly (probably from the shock of me shining a light on them suddenly lol). Most fish go pale and almost dead-like when in sleep mode. I know blue hippos wedge themselves under rocks sideways when they sleep.
Who knows, long as he's eating and swimming fine now, might have just been one of those momentary things.