Doc's Shark Tank

Oh, and I forgot to include the fact that I added new lights to "shark reef". I got some T-5 lighting from Fosters and Smith about a month ago. They look better than the PC lighting and are a ton cheaper to replace. I only got a 4 bulb 4 ft fixture. I am only keeping soft corals in this tank and don't need the strength of 8 bulbs.

looks good doc, so are you here for the long haul again or are you gonna disappear again for another few months?

No idea. I still love my tanks and I like to show them off so I will probably be a fixture for a while. How much time I have to post will depend of client load and family stuff. My hope is that I can be around a lot more

Looking good Doc. Got a FOWLR question for you. What do you think of a wobegong in a 72x24 footprinted tank?

not a chance. they grow to over 8 feet long in about 4 years. They are crazy eaters and super aggressive. They would need at least ten feet in length to lay out straight. They are one best left in the ocean. A tank that size is great for all catsharks tho. Bamboos and epilette sharks (wow, I spelled that wrong).

Wow I had no idea they got that big! I am actually highly disappointed in my LFS for selling them. I had always found them to be fairly responsible.
Doc im SOOOOOOOOO Bummed about the koran. we were koran bros! and now its just not the same :( i got rid of my sohal just to save jack and the koran becasue i just refuse to let anything happen to those 2. Thats really sad that happened to him. I was looking at the pic before i read that and was like WOW that thing has made some serious color advancments! alas i was bamboozled and found out different. Great pics and thanks for the update. Im glad to see you will be around more often.

Wow I had no idea they got that big! I am actually highly disappointed in my LFS for selling them. I had always found them to be fairly responsible.
I cant believe your lfs sells them they will qickly outgrow almost any home aqarium. you need at least 3000 gallons to house on once full grown. they will eat anything they can fit in their mouth including other sharks and even their same species. They also do not tend to fair very will in aquariums
Wow I had no idea they got that big! I am actually highly disappointed in my LFS for selling them. I had always found them to be fairly responsible.

It is true. Sharks are so cute and little when they are young, but just get SOOOO freakin' big. There is a good chance they just didn't know. Really, unless you have a HUGE aquarium, there are only a few species that you can keep in a prefab tank: Cat sharks. You might be able to push it with a Horn Shark (port jacksons shark) or a something that stays about 3-4 feet and doesn't move much in a 300 gallon tank. They just tend to get sick easy and die, even if they stay small.

Doc im SOOOOOOOOO Bummed about the koran. we were koran bros! and now its just not the same :( i got rid of my sohal just to save jack and the koran becasue i just refuse to let anything happen to those 2. Thats really sad that happened to him. I was looking at the pic before i read that and was like WOW that thing has made some serious color advancments! alas i was bamboozled and found out different. Great pics and thanks for the update. Im glad to see you will be around more often.

I cant believe your lfs sells them they will qickly outgrow almost any home aqarium. you need at least 3000 gallons to house on once full grown. they will eat anything they can fit in their mouth including other sharks and even their same species. They also do not tend to fair very will in aquariums

I was super bummed about my Koran as well. I wanted everyone to see it as an adult. He actually was farther along than my current one. I actually almost cried. I am happy to still have one tho. In time, I hope you will be able to accept me as your "Koran Brother". lol

bummer about the Sohal. They can get aggressive but are just so pretty. I would think about one in the future if my Naso died.

Big sharks should be kept in the ocean. The ONLY shark I could recommend that is big would be the nurse shark. They only need 1,000 since they don't move much. Even then, 1,000 gallons is so freakin' huge, no one can keep them. I have heard of Bonnetheads or Smoothhound sharks doing well in tanks about 600 gallons, but I am not sure if that is for just a short time or lifelong. Luckily, I am totally stoked about my grey-banded bamboo, squishy. He is the bomb!

They are starting to become a fish I believe should also be left in the ocean.

Doc we can still be koran bros I won't disown you.

What about our 3000 plus reef shark tanks????
Doc we can still be koran bros I won't disown you.

Doc is loyal to no one. I once thought we had something special (a pink-tail trigger is a rare beauty to see) but my hopes and dreams for Tangent and Cosine to live happy trigger lives together was shattered. I am sorry you have suffered the same fate.
Doc is loyal to no one. I once thought we had something special (a pink-tail trigger is a rare beauty to see) but my hopes and dreams for Tangent and Cosine to live happy trigger lives together was shattered. I am sorry you have suffered the same fate.

Ouch...way to bring up old issues to slam in my I may cry myself to sleep tonight! Good to see you haven't changed. Hell, I am talking like I have been gone for a year or longer, but in our cyberspace world of impulse control disorders, I guess a few months can feel like an eternity!

Alexander, I ain't quittin' you, don't worry Bro, we will have our massive shark tanks. Probably you before me tho.... :Cheers:

Well doc I don't think you slammed me too bad, you replaced the koran with another koran so its sad, but ok.

And I really hope I have a tank that large first, because that will probably also mean I'm financially independent.
Good to see you back Doc! Your tank is looking great and sorry to hear about your Koran. I have always admired your big angel tanks.
Your tank looks amazing Doc!I'm glad you made an appearance.I know how busy you are with work and family but at least try to pop in once a week.

[I was complimentary,next time,I'm back to my smart ass ways...umkay.]