Recent content by smiley4284

  1. S

    Emergency have a problem

    Hello, I am trying the dip. And it seems to be working. The white dots seem to be subsided. My water parameters are good, not perfect. The nitrate level is not 0 but its close. They are pretty new 2 butterflies maybe 3 weeks since Ive had them. But they eat everything. THey ate a damsel...
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    Emergency have a problem

    2 of my saltwater fish have developed white dots on them. Lice -Like. And one has a cloudy white eye. Also the scale has developed discoloration. They are black striped fish and it looks like white chalk like patches in some areas with the white dots on the fins mostly. Is this lice or Ich...
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    Butterfly fish

    Thanks for the website it was very helpful. Heniochous Butterfly, I was worried that the butterfly species would be hard to take care of. But the site said they were very adaptable. So we will see.
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    Butterfly fish

    What do you feed Hibiscus butterfly fish? Excuse the spelling:) Thanks
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    Damsel compatibility

    Ive got 5 damsel starter fish for a 75 gallon tank. I want to start putting bigger fish such as triggers, tangs or wrasses. Are any of these fish compatible and are there others?
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    Live rock question

    I just added live rock almost 3 weeks ago. Water looks clear now and nitrates are down. But there is a brown dust like on the live rock. What is it? Do I need to get rid of it and How? Thanks again
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    Live Rock introduced to aquarium

    heres a pic of it
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    Live Rock introduced to aquarium

    I have white fuzzy looking stuff growing on live rock in a few spots. Does anyone know what this is and is it bad? It looks almost like cacoonish or spider web like fuzz.
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    Saltwater care

    If any, What time of chemicals are needed for fish only saltwater tanks?
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    Starting fish only tank

    So a Rena xp 3 and a seaclone protein skimmer, Would that be sufficient to maintaining a 75 gal fish only tank?
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    Adding live sand and salt

    After adding sea salt and live sand 2 days ago there is a white foam ring along the tank and top of the water with a white grainy substance a float. Is this normal?
  12. S

    Starting fish only tank

    I am starting a 75 gallon saltwater tank. I put in live sand, sea salt, added a xp 3 canister filter, heater, stock 40 watt light, and prime solution for ammonia and such. Is this sufficient for fish only tank? If not what is recommended as a must or just really good to have? Thanks
  13. S

    Newb problem

    Aww, phew I will definatly take the advice. Thanks
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    Newb mistake

    I was adviced by the pet store to add tap water which I did. Added the Prime treatment, live sand, sea salt and ran a Rena canister filter also a heater. Is there anything I can do to fix adding tap water?
  15. S

    Newb problem

    Iam trying to start a fish and live rock tank. And by the advice of the pet store I added tap water to the tank with live sand and sea salt. Also running a Rena canister filter with heater. Is there anything I can do to fix the problem of tap water? Thanks