Chaos's First Salt 20g

Yeah the SeaClone is definitely a POS. Do what Yote suggested, I've only heard good things about the Coralife Super Skimmers, although they take a few weeks to break in.
Ty, that is deffinently in my price range, ill see about sending back the seaclone tomorrow, i think its broke anyway the inner tube is moving around im pretty sure its suppose to be glued in.
Seaclone collection cup 20 hours in:
I believe i figured out the source of my low alkalinity. Does anyone use a water softener before there RO filter? I think that the softener is pulling all of the hardness out of the water. Is this something that would usually come through a 5 stage RO?
Your R/O is doing its job.It basically strips everything out of the water so you end up with extra soft.
The 2 docs sale some stuff called osmo-prep that will will put some calcium and alkalinity back in the filtered water.
Fishbait uses arm and hammer baking soda to bring his alkalinity up.
Well, found a few not so good hitch-hikers. I have a few digitate hydroids on my coral rock. They feel so great on your fingers, i would suggest that as a hand cream. NOT. lol. Does anyone know about these? From what i have read peppermint shrimp will wipe them out.
I've never had to deal with those.But pepperments are great for your tank any way.Even if they dont eat the hydroids.
I had a few aiptasia, and a ton of hydroids. threw in a peppermint shrimp and two weeks later no aiptasia. and very few hydroids. I don't know if the peppermint is eating them, or if they are going away on their own. it's quite the coinsidense if the pep's not doing it.
Coral beauties are really shy at first. I didn't see mine for almost three weeks when I first added it to my tank. But it was getting food from somewhere, apparently. Give it time, it takes a while for them to feel comfortable coming out.