Chaos's First Salt 20g

coral beauty angels are great fish. They tend to hang out in the open a lot, at least all of mine did. They seem to really enjoy marine cuisine, emerald entree, and angel / butterfly portions (all from san francisco brand frozen food). It is not uncommon for those fish to need 4-5 days to eat. They also enjoy green Nori. They tend to avoid the red Nori tho.

Thanks doc for the info, i went to petco today and picked up some frozen food for sale 30% off 3 packs or more, i got emerald entree marine cuisine and mysis shrimp, they were out of angel portions. I wanted to ask what is the best way to feed frozen? I saw the pet store thaw blood worms into a container and use a turkey baster to feed the tanks would that work with this food?
Take a cup of your tank water, and let the cube thaw in it. I used to dump it in a strainer to drain it, but I've been lazy recently and now I just dump the whole thing back into the tank. You don't need to use a turkey baster unless you are target feeding corals.
In a tank the size of yours,I doubt you'll need to feed the whole cube.
Just thaw it out,and add a pinch or 2 with some twezzers and keep the rest in the fridge.
Thawing it is best for fish that do not like competition for their food. It allows the food to swirl around the water column and for the more shy animals to get the food they need while not getting bullied by bigger ones. If you just toss in a cube, the strongest fish will bounce it around and take most of it.

If you have voracious fish, I think they like to attack the cubes as part of their instinct. If you do want to toss in a frozen one, just chop it in half

I wouldn't worry about it. What will happen is it will stick somewhere in your tank and reproduce like crazy and one day, about two months from now, you will find a colony that just seems to spring up from no where

Jeez im very glad im sitting here by the aquarium instead of sleeping. I kept hering something like static or a mouse in a bag or something and i looked behind the tank and saw some smoke coming out of the powerstrip.... POS Seaclone is leaking.
Ugg... Guess my poison dart frogs have to wait i need to by a new skimmer and send this one back. maybe ill get a light while im at it.
Ya, ill go with the coralife super skimmer. The crappy thing is its leaking because it was put together crappy not because the o-ring is toast. Its coming out where the black band a little up from the bottom is.
Well im still trying to find out if the oceanlight t5's have individual reflectors. Aquatinics are just a bit pricey for me at $400 without lights. I may be a little cheap again and just get nova extreme t5's since i have this 40gallon to set up and need lights on that too.